Download Foxhole V2 Download Foxhole v1 A 2-level round symetrical map made for slayer, CTF and team slayer. Close and mid range gameplay is supported. 4-10 people make for the best games. Weapons on this map are: Battle rifle-4 SMG- 6 Plasma Rifle- 2 Brute shot- 2 Shotgun- 2 Rocets- 1 Overshield- 1 Power drain- 2 Bubble shield- 2 Various spike/plasma/normal grenades Firegrenade- 2 The base level is, as one could guess, a circle. In the middle of the level, there's a dip in the ground where the rockets are located. Around the whole center of the level is a tunneled circle. There are four ways to the top, two teleporters, with a bubble shield located next to them and two man cannons that have an energy drain at the exit. The upper level is, again, a circle, in the center, there are stairs that lead up to the overshield that is hovering over a drop that leads to rockets. In between the 8 staircases, there are two places for someone to drop down to the first level. I spent a lot of time interlocking objects and making sure everything plays smoothly. There shouldn't be any nasty connection between two objects that affects gameplay. The map is self-contained and it's not very easy to escape nor is it very tactical to. I appreciate all downloads. If you enjoyed or disliked the map, let me know! What's been changed since volume 1 -Added capture the flag objective items.
Re: foxhole It looks pretty cool. I'll check it out. But I recommend putting line breaks between those screenshots to help separate one from the other. EDIT: Is there a download link?
Re: foxhole This looks very well constructed. I like the hole in the middle. I'd love to DL when you get the link up. EDIT: The map link is HERE
Re: foxhole (updated with url now.) I always seem to forget the URL every time. Sorry, everyone, it's up now.
Re: foxhole (updated with url now.) Alright, well thank you for your time and I do look foreward to your opinions of my map.
Re: foxhole I did a Forge-through on this map and it looks awesome. You did a great job on the interlocking. But there are a few things that I wanted to mention. First, I think I'd like this map better if I could see across the rocket pit without those walls in the way. What would you say about deleting them or interlocking them a little higher to give more visibility? Also, did you know players are able to grab the overshields without dropping down the center? Was that intentional? Also, what's with the A and B signs? Are they just to help orient people? Finally, why isn't this map set up for CTF? Why not put the flags by the brute shots and the score points by the shotguns. There are multiple ways from one side to the other, and it would be really cool. You should definitely do that. Overall, very nice map. I can't wait to play a game here.
Re: foxhole I liked it. The map looks pretty clean, and the layout is pretty interesting. I probably would have put the overshield inside of the tube, but that's just my prerogative. I didn't check for gametype setup, but you really should set it up for at least CTF like Furious says. It's a bit jumpy in places, but the interlocking and leveling is good overall.
Re: foxhole Okay, firstly, to address everyone who posted thus far, thank you for the download and comments, I really do appreciate them. About the walls where the rockets are. I actually did that on purpose, I mean, I didn't have to have that second part of the chute, but I thought it added a nice cover to an otherwise open area on the bottom. I mean, I thought it played well with that extra bit of cover, but if you think, after playing it, that it would be better as an open area, let me know and I'll try some things out. Secondly, yes, the overshield was meant to be grabable while still staying up top. I mean, the two reasons I wanted the overshield up there was to Make falling through that pit a bit more surviveable so that people would use it instead of the side drops and I didn't want to constrict what you could do or where you could go with the overshield. You'd have half of the overshield already depleted by the time you could get up top again, figure I'd be nice to people and give them a few options. The A and B signs are there because there was an awful lip under them that is a ***** to get over. I ran out of other objects, and they were the last thing I could use. So I guess you could blame it all on poor planning. You know, I wanted to set it up for CTF, but I couldn't think of good spots for the flags to go. I want to add it now, but with my experience, no one downloads a volume 2 of any map, but if there's at least one person, I guess I could. Thank you for your criticism and I can't wait for your reply should you choose to.
Re: foxhole Cool map, the interlocking is cool, My xbox is broken. RedRingOfDeath!!! Check out my signature.
Re: foxhole You're probably right. Like I said, I didn't play a game on it, just Forge. I might be singing a different tune after playing a game. Options are always good. I'm sold. I really think the flag should spawn at the brute shot. That way once you grab it you can go one way for the teleporter up top, the other way for the mancannon up top, or run it back out toward the center and go up on your own side of the map. By placing the score point up top, maybe by the shotgun spawn, you'd ensure that the entire map is utilized. And it could lead to interesting situations if one team controls the top and the other team controls the bottom. I'll download and play a second version. And if you don't change this map for CTF, I'll do it myself. I think it would be fun, and it would take all of 5 minutes to set up. You've spent so much time on this map already, what's 5 more minutes?
Re: foxhole Alright, well I guess I should get crackin' on version 2. I'll probably just post it in this thread rather than start a new thread with it.
Re: foxhole Yeah, that's the best thing to do. Edit the first post, and maybe add (v2) to the title. Then just post at the end again to bump it back up top.
Re: foxhole i defintely give u credit for how in judging by the screenshots the map looks realy smooth and good.
Re: foxhole good job, it really looks like you took your time on this map... and i think it paid off, i'll give it a try...