Sewage Lines

Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by Iv0rY Snak3, Oct 10, 2008.


How Would You Rate This Map?

  1. Poor

  2. Okay

  3. Average

  4. Good

  5. Great

  1. PodmoreX

    PodmoreX Ancient
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    That looks rly good
    Very good interlocking 10/10:happy:
  2. ShadowVanish

    ShadowVanish Ancient
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    Ahh I remmember this. This map is very good but only has one flaw. If you can place a Grav Lift in a certain spot on the Shotgun spawns ledge you can get outside the map.
  3. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    i knew this was gonna get featured when i dl yesterday the grated cieling looks so awsome and he has the spawns just right 5/5
  4. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This is the V2, just to clear things up there.
  5. chisox21

    chisox21 Ancient
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    Very well made! The interlocking must have been especially hard but done really cleanly. 5/5
  6. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    The map itself is very well built. However I must say that the spawning is very bad. I would spawn next to the other team, then just slaughter them. I am sorry to say that I am disappointed that this was featured at this time. If the spawns were fixed then It deserves it.
  7. Kitten X

    Kitten X Ancient
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    The entire map isn't very large, but the aesthetics make up for that.
    I'm not exactly sure on how the gameplay will play out, either.

    Plus I am proud to say,"I downloaded tes map before it was featured!"

  8. SVV33T SAUC3

    SVV33T SAUC3 Ancient
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    This map is sweet! I helped test it (sort of) with Bl00d F1r3 and Other Dark.
    Anyway, back to the map. I love the interlocking! It is flawless. I like the sewer vents and the addition of the fence walls around it is good too. The underground area is sweet. The amount of cover is balanced perfectly for fun gameplay. It's no suprise that this got featured. Good job man, good job.
  9. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    God da**! I have had this in my subscribed threads for like, forever! This map is just awesome, I was looking at this yesterday with my friend StolenSteal, it's a masterpiece and I'm not suprised to see this featured. I can tell that this took you ages to build because everything is so smooth. I have never seen a better sewer designed map that tops this one. I especially like the bridge design that you incorporated into the map. 5/5, and I am so happy to see this featured. =D

  10. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    I played this yesterday in a game of doubles, and I'm happy to say I loved the map. The sewage lines were genius and the AB sign was merged perfectly. One of the only problems I found was the spawns. There was spawn killing throughout the entire game and it was only a 2v2! With one person on top to force spawn players below, I sat below on the wall opposite of the sniper and spawn killed the other team. The spawns should have been worked on way more before a feature. I'm not saying this is a bad map or anything, but I'm just saying the spawns needed a bit of work. Great map anyway, congrats on the feature.
    dented_drum likes this.
  11. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    i knew this was gonna be featured the minute i saw it.
    good job camoflaug 4/5
    the merging and interlocking is beutiful.
    also i may have asked this on the original thread but i belive there was no answer so ill ask it again;
    how did you geomerge with the bridges?
  12. SoLo92

    SoLo92 Ancient
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    YOU CAN GET OUT OF THE MAP WITH THE GRAV LIFT. sry. its easy to fix. but you can get out by putting the grav lift by the bridges (second pic.) then run and jump on the g lfit and you can get out. :~(
  13. Sirant

    Sirant Ancient
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    Wow this map looks amazing with great interlocking merging and everything no wonder it got featured
  14. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    I saw this when it came out. It sure looks like a great map. Not to mention, it actually an arena style map that works lol.
  15. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    great map indeed, i love the way it looks, everything is so well made and i live the bridges you can jump down through, and gameplay is great =D congrats on the feature fully deserved it
  16. Camoflaug

    Camoflaug Ancient
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    play a game of koth on it and im sure you will change your mind i\sure its just 2v2 but look at the map when people spawn try and think where else they can spawn in corrilation to its symetrical layout the spawns are next to perfect in my opinion = ) may i guess did you stay by shotgun spawn the whole game?try moving around the whole map cause im getting such mixxed signals of like spawns are perfect then your sorta post. ita juat the way you play the game.
  17. Black Magic105

    Black Magic105 Ancient
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    Is very good and I like the interlocking and the map seems very good with slayer. I played it with meh friends and it was fun to play also with team slayer.
  18. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    Well, I played this map earlier today and I didn't know what to think. The interlocking is great, you did awesome on that, but the flow of gameplay with objective based gametypes was horrible especially with the map being small. Also, it too long getting up to the top level when there wasn't a grav lift around you, and time is important when playing objective based gametypes. During normal slayer there was plenty of cover which I enjoy. When I'm able to pop up and shoot someone then take cover in a different area really quick, that shows that you put thought into it.

    The weapon choice for this map was less than wanted and so was the weapon placement. I could run about 8 steps and get a BR every time. Also, I couldn't find many plasma grenades on the top floor too easily. The variety of weapons were less than wanted also. More variety in the weapons would of pleased me, but everywhere I looked I saw BRs and strangly Plasma Rifles. I also saw a carbine or two, but not often.

    Everything else was fine. Objective gametype placement (KOTH area placement was good), the oddball spawned in the right place. Player spawns were... alright. In a small map it made it so someone would spawn behind me and I died. It got annoying at times.

    Anyways, thats my review. There are some things you can improve (weapons and spawns), and some don't need improvement (like your interlocking and geo-merging), either or I would rate this map a 3.5/5. You did good, but you can do better. Also, congrats on the feature.
    dented_drum and drak like this.
  19. Zachary9990

    Zachary9990 Ancient
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    astetically, this map is wonderful, top notch, and thats why I think it got featured, but thats the only reason. This map allows alot of spawn killing and very choppy gameplay. Its always, someone drops through the pipes to the lower floor and someone dies. Never anywhere else in the map. I dunno, congrats of feature, but I'm not a fan.

  20. RiioT

    RiioT Ancient
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    Great forge map and i will download and play. Hey do you think you can play noscopes? and i rate this finominal map a 5/5

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