NYC Map pack

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by SoLo92, Oct 10, 2008.


Which map was your fav?

  1. Statue of Liberty

    3 vote(s)
  2. Empire State Building

    1 vote(s)
  3. NYC Dump

    0 vote(s)
  4. NY city

    1 vote(s)
  5. I liked them all

    3 vote(s)
  6. I didnt like any of them

    4 vote(s)
  1. SoLo92

    SoLo92 Ancient
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    New York City Map Pack

    Well, I've been working on this for a while and im finally done. I had an idea to make a statue of liberty map a long time ago. When i made it i posted it on forgehub. I was going to have a Godzilla VS King kong theme but i gave that up right away. The statue of liberty made me want to make a New York City map pack. And well... here it is. I didnt put in a weapon list but the weapons are listed under pics.
    Btw I put this in casual because the magority of the maps are casual. This text size is really small.

    Map 1
    Statue of Liberty V2
    (HERE is V1)
    If u saw the first map you can tell by the comments or by yourself that it sux. V2 is a lot better. Its got much more detail.

    Completely new statue.
    it has feet but they are too low to see in this pic.​

    Old face. Its stupid, i know.​

    New face! the book is at the bottom if ur wondering what that is.​

    Back of statue right side. purple power up. the other side has a truck w/ an energy drain​

    Shotty in her dress at the back.
    You have to crouch inside the dress to get it. ;D​

    Changed the camo to overshield
    and changed to dumpsters to grav lifts​

    Red white and blue rocket spawn.​

    Thats about all thats changed. Its best on 2 team slayer.

    Map 2
    Empire State Building

    I just kinda thought of important things in NY and i thought of this! Its on standoff. Great for 1 flag and 1 bomb. its mainly a vehicle map. this is one of my favorite maps.
    The Empire State building.
    you can see the turrets and banshee. this is the defender spawn​

    Attacker base. Note how theres a lot of vehicles. Theres a banshee in the back. The man cannon spawns at 2 minutes i think. it shoots you into he middle of the map.

    Over wiew1​

    Over view 2. this pic show the "garage" with a warthog in it. this side has turrets. the other has more baracades though.​

    Back view. man cannon Mergeded into the box. it shoots you to the top to get...​

    Sparant laser? Awww! i thought it was ice cream! :mad:

    Driving is easy in this map. ​

    Mini building, this base is blocked off.​

    Theres a lot of weapons and stuff for this map but its more fun in warthogs and stuff.

    NYC Dump
    Have u seen how many garbage cans are in New York?! Where does it go? The dump. DUH! Fusion coils randomly drop and make a Lot of explosions. its very fun.
    Im gunna keep this one short​
    heres the left half. to the left is a cherry picker kind of truck. to the left is a heap of garbage. in the middle is a crane. when you go into the crane operating room you teleport ontop of the crane and get two stickies. theres a sniper at the top of the pile of junk. in the cherry picker theres a regen. * i DIDNT randomly throw stuff around to make the junk heap. So dont say that!!!*

    Rockets spawns in the boxes in the top right corner of this pic. the camo is behing the corner wall. the big thing to the right is the trash compresser. go in it. trust me....

    Map 4
    NY City

    Basicly, this map is a bunch of buildings and jump spots. its SO much fun on snipers
    im running out of pics. only able to put 3.

    Its basicly impossable to have an over view beacause it has so many buildings blocking me from getting one clear view. but you can see how the tower in the middle has a small platform. lots of the buildings have these and there on the walls to. there are lots of grav lifts around to get you to higher places. by the way, te ground is supposed to have a road, the walls are like the curb.​

    Its a bill board advertising bubble shields!
    the pallet platform behind it is home to rocketz!​

    this is my fav building. its got one of the two snipers at the top.
    Thats it. I hope you enjoy my creations.
    PLZ COMMENT!!!!!!!!!
  2. blakeyPoo

    blakeyPoo Ancient
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    Wow looks pretty good.
  3. SVV33T SAUC3

    SVV33T SAUC3 Ancient
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    These maps are pretty cool. Must have taken a long time. The interlocking could be neater. Not very original ideas. It's ok I guess. 3/5
  4. SoLo92

    SoLo92 Ancient
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    MORE NY city PICS
    secret platform


    gravlift spawn
  5. Undead Fanatic

    Undead Fanatic Ancient
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    I just love map packs, this is cool because the aesthetic/game play theme. So far I like the Empire States building the best
  6. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    i love the new statue of liberty, i remember the last one and how i said it looked like her face got melted off, this is much better! very good job 3/5
  7. HeDGE1337

    HeDGE1337 Ancient
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    Hey, I can figure out how u made the purple powerup, but how did u make a white one?

    Maps look good, ill give a DL.
  8. SoLo92

    SoLo92 Ancient
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    its camo and custom i think. theres only like 6 combonations or something so ull get it if u play around with it.
  9. Jester

    Jester Ancient
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    All I can say

    Quite original. Quite awesome. Quite...New Yorkish.

    At first I was concerned about gameplay, but your timed map events on the second map convinced me that you know how to make an average aesthetic map into a kickass competitive map. Great job.
  10. DKsavage99

    DKsavage99 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    eh, not terrible, interesting though
    not the greatest aesthetics, which is what i thought you were going for, but then again, gameplay is cool
    the dump is nicer to play wit the coils
    they are average maps overall, but still fun to play
    next time, maybe just make better aestheticss, because it is kind of themed like that

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