In this level, you are forced to dodge various flying objects that are thrown at you via man cannon. It is very fun and can keep you entertained for a long time. this is my first submitted map so if the post is kinda messed up in any way, sorry............have fun getting owned! Links: Map: Gametype: <a href=""><img src="" alt="Click to enlarge"></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Click to enlarge"></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Click to enlarge"></a>
Re: The Hurricane (plz look) looks pretty good how does it work? does it have explosive making it fly or mancannons?
Re: The Hurricane (plz look) it looks fun, but i have seen a map just like it called Donkey Kong. ( there is more than one map called donkey kong if you found a map called that then think I'm crazy because it looks nothing like yours) Also there is a code to making your links look nicer in the " how 2 post your map topic.
Re: The Hurricane (plz look) Hey, did you make everything yourself? I downloaded a map a few weeks ago called Sweep that looks exactly like this one.....
Re: The Hurricane (plz look) Good work if you made this by yourself, but unfortunately there's atleast two maps that are almost exactly the same here on ForgeHub already.
Re: The Hurricane (plz look) This isnt very original.. There is a map called "Sweep" that I have had on my console for nearly a month now that looks pretty much identical to this.
Re: The Hurricane (plz look) Looks pretty good but so common! Ever since Barrel Blaster came out there has been so many maps like it.
Re: The Hurricane (plz look) ya, this idea has been posted several times, even turned into barrel blaster and sweep...4/5 b/c not original but good job anyways
Re: The Hurricane (plz look) This would be cool if there was a hill or territories you need to capture. That way it could be a race of who could dodge all the crap and make it to the front first.
Re: The Hurricane (plz look) oh eyah me and my friend made a map but arent completely finished. ill show you it when we are finished its kinda hard and we thought people might not want it but know well post it