Bomb's Away! Made by Jessica Description Just an old bomb factory left after the Spartan Civil War. A few months after, the war came back. Simple Factory - 2-6 players [ Yes ] __Floating Objects [ yes ] __Instant Respawn [ Tele, yes ] __Immovable Objects [ ___ ] __Timed Map Events [ Yes] __Effective Spawn Placement [ ___ ] __Gravity Lift Techniques [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water [ ___ ] __Used Symmetry Option [ ___ ] __Interlocking Objects [ ___ ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ ___ ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch : Download : Supported Gametypes : Slayer Pictures : Middle Overview Pallet Bridge/1 Of The Shotgun Spawn Stairs One Corner 2'nd Shotgun Spawn/"Shotgun Hallway" BR Catwalk ACTION Awsome Effects! Me Finally Getting A Kill ^(I was 3'rd place in the game of 5 or 6 people)^ Download at top Enjoy (Weapon list was going to be posted, but I forgot, I will do it on V2)
First of all, major props to using one of the original maps to forge. I really like this idea, my only critique though is that it might be a little small. is the whole building sealed off and/or is it easily escapable? otherwise nice job, i'll download next time i have the chance to.
Sealed of by teleporters. You can't get out anymore, I have tried over 100 times. And its instant respawn.
For a map on Last Resort, you certainly have done very well. Having gameplay just taking place within the 'base' is a great idea. It has different levels and plenty of cover regarding what you have added. Great find for a Close Quaters Combat map area. The weapon layout looks quite nice too. Having BR's spread out evenly is nice and having the shotgun spawn out in the open, out of the way looks like it works excelently. The cover is movable to, which is a great touch to the usually immobile boxes on foundry. As for the aesthetics, Everything just works so well. Great job, 5/5 and + rep for taking time to create such a good competitive map on the original maps.
Like many others have said, good job on not doing a map that is foundry or avalanche. The map really reminds of the maps TDF would post in last resort as a minigame or competitive play. I really like the pallet bridge to the shotgun spawn. But i do think the map is on the empty side. Maybe you should put some more aesthetic features or such to maybe break that openness and make it more pleasurable. So good Job on this map and hope to see some more!
THANK YOU FOR NOT USING FOUNDRY it shows you are one of the few not bound to forging in foundry nice work anyway i would dl but i need to delete some crap... brilliant idea and by the way YOU HAVE THE BEST SIG EVER!!!!!!
wow this map is great. you have shown us there is forge outside of foundry. and for that i applaud you ms jones! and also this map looks very well made so A+ for you.
wow this doesnt look that original seeing as this are of last resort was over used before dlc. nice to see now tho but i dont know. it looks kind of small for 2 shottys maybe take 'em out and put a sword somewhere unique. not really bad tho 3/5
I've noticed it's somewhat of a trend going around now of using the default maps to forge on. I have one in my signature, and I've seen many around lately. I had an idea to use exclusively the base area as well, and may very well still make the map, but for now, this looks well forged, well sealed, and quite playable. Nice job.
If you have a disagreement with an opinion which I expressed in one of my posts, respond with a scholarly argument as to why you disagree, including reasons so that the argument can stand on its merits. Who knows? If you are eloquent and persuasive enough, I just might change my mind. I realize that I was incredibly vague last time. I will not be so unclear a second time. What I had attempted to convey earlier is that I have seen a map almost exactly like this one, with the same let's only use the base part of Last Resort concept. Don't get me wrong, I do love the concept. I was just somewhat dissapointed when I came to realize that this map brought little or nothing new to and old idea. Had it been revamped or innovated upon, my opinion would have been different. But with nothing new brought to the table, I just didn't see what made this map so special. If you disagree, that's fine. If you disagree and let me know why, that's great. If you disagree and mark my post as spam because you find my opinion unfavorable, that's fascism.
hey this looks just like one of the maps i made. it's posted here. any way i really like not useing foundry but there is not many things you can do out of foundry. n the other hand i have never seen a good maps on stad off though. i think my next map ill work on "Black Out"