I'm not sure... I have XP (Down wit teh apple!!! [computers, not iPods]) Maybe your compy is just slow? It takes a bit to load sometimes... try waiting.
3D programmes can be a killer to your pc, just give it some time to load. Also i have xp, and i know vista has had alot of compatability issues with a whole range of programmes, so you never know it could be that. I recommend this programme to everyone with a slight interest in designing. Its really fun, and its free!
Yeah, like everybody says (and this is my opinion too) Vista sucks. My old computer was Windows XP and yeah...It was an Alienware and it was the ****, but Spyware got around our Firewalls and ****ed us over. Right now, I can't afford to fix it and my mom got this laptop for her birthday so...
vista and it works for me. unfortunately im not compatible with it XD apparently im not as compuer literate as i thought i was lol anyone got a link to a site with simple intructions for someone who doesnt even understand templates? kind of a graphic design for dummies thing
I use vista, and sketchup works great, and really fast for me, (2.2Ghz intel core duo) as my processor. I got no issues. Chances are your moms laptop processor is not good enough. And you people should try Google and Google for for Sketchup tutorials.
Are you on Vista. If so, follow these steps: right click sketchup go to properties go to the compatability tab check "run program in compatability for:" select "Windows 95" in the drop-down menu click apply/ok
Any way I can make it so the helper doesn't show up when I start the program? That is what is freezing it up. I can't access things like "File" and "Edit" because it freezes up before I can try.
I'm telling you, this is what you do, I had the same problem. What that does is disable hardware acceleration, which is what screws up sketchup.
when the tips menu pops up, quickly and try to uncheck the check box in the top left cornor of the tip box so it dosnt pop up at the start.
OMG, its not the tips that freezes it, the same thing happened to me. Just do what I said and it will work. If it doesn't work, I promise you 10 cookies.