I am making a map for the Shell Shocked Contest and i need to kill off the tank at 1 point the problem is 32 fusion coils and lots of propane tanks just don't do the job. 3 drop from the sky and the rest spawn on the ground at the same time this is to make shore the tank gets hit. tank is in a confine space but still has a bit of movement. has any1 got a idea on how to kill this dam thing it will die on the second round of exsploshons but that 6 min in to the game and the game wont last that long.
first things first- if u want it to be blown up quickly make sure the fusion coils are set to instant respawn by configuring the runtimes. second- weakest point of the scorpion is around the back end where the hatch (which can be blown off) is. mix v two and see what happens... hope this helps
He can't set it to instant respawn because he wants it to spawn 6 minutes in. But yeah, if its a DLC map you can do what bkbills suggested.
You can only make things spawn 3 minutes in max. Make a pile of 30 fusion coils near the base of the tank, set one high above to not spawn on start, with a spawn time of 180 seconds. Put another fusion coil somewhere where players can shoot, and set it to never respawn. Set the min/max to 31/32. When someone shoots the one, it'll force the one high above the tank to fall down and start off the chain reaction.
thanks i will tri the shield door ider as but still have fusion coils to kill the driver so he can get back to killing just not in a wrath. still that ider with the 31/32 fusion coils wood be good in some uler maps i am testing for the compateshon