Some of you may have heard of this before. It's a game where someone posts a picture and other people make commentary on it, like so: Bob: *posts picture* GOGOGOGO Joe: Master Chief: HELO MAI NAEM IS MASTAR CHEIF LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Rules: You can not commentate on your own picture. You can pick the picture as long as it's from Halo 3. The person who posted the picture is the judge. Pick 3 people who won (ex. Winner, runner-up, and third place.), if the person who won doesn't post a picture (you have to pm them to let them know they won.) then the runner up will (pm them as well), and so on and so forth. I'll start it with this: There is one specific one that i'm looking for... GOGOGOGOGO
passanger: nice drivin tex. if you know what i'm talking about its funny. just watch some old tv shows Driver: did we lose him? Gunner: not quite
ya! i win, ok heres the next pic, its one of my best. i already got a good one, but lets see what you guys come up with.