OK guys here's a good question that I asked myself and yet am contemplated. When making a map in Forge do you usually plan everything up or make it up as you go along? Here's another one, Do the good maps ALWAYS require planned-out elements and lay-outs? I just wanna here your guy's views on the subject...
Usually I have a general idea of what I want the map to end up like and I proceed to implement things as the progress moves along. I believe so yes, perfecting things takes a long time and it most certainly won't just "be there" one day. Planning ahead is good shizit.
I usually start with an idea in my head. As a few days pass I think of individual features to the map and start righting them down. Once I think I have a good map in my head I start sketching it and figure out exactly where the features will go. I then usually make "rough drafts" of most features to make sure they'll work fine. I then start making the map. Once I finish the map I usually go back and replace half of the things to make the more efficient or neat.
My best maps usually come out of one very simple idea, like a large bridge or a tunnel or a pit. I know what I want the map to look and feel like going into it, and I start building the main structure of the map first and work around that. Ideas come and go as I move along, and I usually end up going back in and rebuilding things several different ways to make everything not only function the way I want, but look good too. It's a pretty long process, but worth it.
Usually, I have a well planned out idea before I start the forge process. Sometimes, I just have a really good Idea, and I see where it evolves to. But generally on foundry, I draw out a map beforehand. It helps me plan out the scenery, so I don't run out halfway through building.
Depending on the complexity and demands of the project I'll do different things. If I anticipate needing to use a large number of objects then I'll plan in detail. If it's in need of very fine tuned balance I'll likely model the map concept using SketchUp and fly around it whilst I consider weapon/powerup placement and jump distances. If it's a singular novel idea I tend to forge and go where my mind takes me. So it's pretty varied for me.
It's really interesting to hear about what you guys do in the Forge process. Although I haven't said what I do. It's really similar to everyone else, I usually think in my head," Wouldn't that be an awesome map if _____ was in there?" or " Is it possible to make this?" And then I basically just do it. The ideas come and go and yes things do get changed or replaced. The ideas are usually structures of some sort like circular base in the middle. I then make it, and just make other things that would fit with the map or help out with it. i usually sketch the much more difficult ones ot though before I get a monitor on the map itself.
I just start placing objects until I get an idea. Then I restart and build it better. After that I start adding complexity and different connections to multiple areas. I like the map to be diverse and have room for all types of battles.
yea, i like to come up with some main idea like a bridge or opposing bases or something and then create things from there. i also try to think of small sections of old halo maps that created interesting situations, like the air lifts in foundation or something else and incorporate them somehow into part of a new map. I also try to focus on funneling people into only a few different places to keep the action up, or create a lots of standing cover and elevation changes for a longer distance game. aside from that, just lay out what might be a good plan, then go black and tidy up later. make those lines STRAIGHT!. Can you throw a gernade through that tiny little gap? AH!
I usually just forge and if what i started comes out good I start thinking of what I should add and sometimes I look at really good map find something and try to transform that into something new instead of stealing ideas.
I usually get "outer influences", draw stuff, come back later and see what I've done, then forge it. Or I look at my friends idea, copy it and claim it as my own. There's no proof of it happening, and it helps me make good maps.
i build a center structure that i made up in my mind like, maybe a week ago. then i start to build around it. so i use some planning and some making upping.
On my best maps, I randomly made a structure and later built around it to make a 1337 map. On my most recent map, I have been planning and drawing out the design for about 2 weeks now, and the forging will take a good one to two months. Maverick, my best map is finished now after over two months of designing, forging, testing, re-forging, escape testing, re-forging, and more testing.
Has anyone realized that this thread is from waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in February? Hell of a necrobump you got there son, *locked*