I was in Coolant's party and decided I would make a short video, that I likened after Penguinishes, about my time there. I used a Dazzle analog recorder and Adobe Premiere Elements 4 for editing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TO09dIyNxio I do know that I need to do things differently next time, but this was my first video so I will change some things. I.e. less shaky camera (I didn't account for the speed up in editing) and more simple shots so the Dazzle has an easyer time. But if you guys see anything that I can really improve on please do not hesitate to tell me. Edit: Since the Youtube tags are not working Here is the link.
LOL, you played the scarab map. That was great, yes, next time, try and pick one camera angle for each map like you did with the cellars. Or if you have to, don't go free-fly. Do 3rd person view for the ones like Tremors.
there is a link on the bottom, but the codes are not working because of forge hubs server change. Edit: the links are back up you can watch it now