"Through Fire And Flames" [img width=800 height=600]http://img180.imageshack.us/img180/9573/22317800fullro6.jpg[/img] "Falling....Falling....Falling....And More Falling" [img width=800 height=600]http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/5508/22318041fullyj3.jpg[/img] "Can You Spot The Warthog?" [img width=800 height=600]http://img172.imageshack.us/img172/7706/22318219fullow3.jpg[/img] "My Favorite Part Was The Chase Scene" -sig reference- [img width=800 height=600]http://img169.imageshack.us/img169/1176/22318336fullwl4.jpg[/img] "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" [img width=800 height=600]http://img179.imageshack.us/img179/697/22318491fullmk1.jpg[/img] Also Check Out Sick H3 Screenshots #1
What is Griffball? I'll have to download the Game mode next time I play. I already have the Griffball stadium.
I don't think that it's not allowed, I'm just saying why do this one when you can just edit the other one. Common sense really. Or just make a "Post Your Best Halo 3 Screenshots"