Are you getting Call of Duty WaW?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by E93, Oct 10, 2008.


Are you getting Call of Duty World at War?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Other (rent, borrow from friend, steal...jk)

  1. E93

    E93 Guest

    So, you guys getting it?

    I really need your opinion on this, because so many games are coming out soon that I want to buy, but I can't possibly buy them all, so help me decide if I should get Call of Duty waw. Let me know how you feel towards it.

    Here's how I feel:

    • Same cod 4 engine
    • Co-op
    • Flamethrowah!

    • Treyarch!
    • Treyarch ?
    • Trey...arch.
    • And it's a ww2 (or 1) game. No modern stuff
    • Did I mention Treyarch?

    If you were curious, here are the games I want to get:

    • Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts (and if I preorder it now, I can get a code for the old Banjo KAzooie) (hell yeah!)
    • Gears 2
    • Cod WaW
    • Fallout 3
    • Far Cry 2
    • Guitar Hero World Tour (which is like...200 dollars)
    That's basically it.
  2. Mr. Moustache

    Mr. Moustache Ancient
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    Modern Warfare was good, but I'm turned off by the whole WWII thing. It's just unappealing to me.
  3. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    after playing the beta, it erased all doubts in my mind. this game is gonna be sick.
    treyarch managed to pull off a win.
  4. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    I was chatting with my friend that was playing the beta (sorry, it's only for the employees and their family + friends) and he gave me many details about it.

    Instead of choppers, dogs flood the map and kill enemies, and they are killable

    Napalm, flares, sticky (anti tank), and poison gas grenades

    vehicles like tanks, he hasn't seen driveable planes or helicopters (were those around at the time?)

    At level 65 you get the flamethrower

    Martydom still exsists (Moment of silence) but you need to be level 20 something to use it

    A nice perk, every armed grenade you pick up, you have a few extra seconds to throw it back if you pick it up which is nice because this option wasn't used alot in CoD4

    and there was alot more details he told me but i has forgotted =P

    But he did say if your used to playing Cod4 and are good at it you'll do good.
  5. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    nah its not only for employees and family and friends.
    my friend got it cause he's a member of charlie oscar delta. i was at his house playing.
    anyway yeah, he says juggernaut is still gay, molotov cocktails are pretty bad ass, dogs are pretty sweet, and hitler's speech when you win as the germans is very enjoyable. and he, as well as me, think it interesting that the flamethrower is a perk. and controllers are gonna be totally cheap to use, since almost every weapon is semi.
  6. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    I'm going to rent it and if it's good I will buy it. I wasn't even going to consider it but some close friends are getting it. I don't like the vehicle aspect and it seems like it feels the same as CoD4. Also, WWII is a little boring now, having killed millions of nazis and winning the war 20 times over.
  7. E93

    E93 Guest

    Guys, now I'm even more confused.

    See, for sure, I'm getting Banjo, GH World Tour and Gears 2. But I can't get all of those and Fallout 3, Far Cry 2, and Call of Duty WaW.

    So confused....=[

    Um, no it isn't.

    They gave it to some select people on their website, and you can also get the code to play it if you pre-order the game.
  8. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    yeah they gave the beta to anyone who joined charlie oscar delta before 7/25...
  9. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Probably not Im not the call of duty type of person I am just going to stick with halo3
  10. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Personally, if I were you, I'd get Fallout 3 instead of CoD5.

    The reason being is that you already have one shooter, although a third person one, and it would mak it harder to get bored of shooters if you have a RPG, GH, Banjo and a Shooter.
  11. E93

    E93 Guest

    I get confused, which one's the rpg?
  12. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Fallout 3. It's a RPG first and is a minor shooter as the game has a leveling system. Like Mass Effect was a RPG fist, Shooter second.

    Why do I keep spelling 'shooter' 'shotter'?

    IxGUNxSLINGERxI Ancient
    Senior Member

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    omg I ow you big time I would have never found out that I could get in the beta If it wasn't for you :D

    * starts dl *
  14. JessicaJones

    JessicaJones Ancient
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    I want to see what everone else thinks first, then I might get it...But awsome, flame thower =].
  15. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    your welcome.
    and i could have sworn i joined it w while ago, i remember my friend telling me to, but apparently i never got around to it.
    im regretting it now...
  16. KB

    KB Ancient
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    Call of Duty+Treyarch+World War 2=FAIL

    My older brother might get it and I will probably play it but I am definitely not buying it
  17. E93

    E93 Guest

    Wait, what exactly is this Charlie's Angels site you joined? jk, I know it's charlie oscar delta

    So hold on, could anyone give me a minor explanation of what each type of game is?
    rts -this and dat

    there will be a reward for the first person that does it...
  18. Sixpakvb

    Sixpakvb Ancient
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    An RPG is 1. A rocket propelled grendade, and 2. A role playing game, like Oblivion, WoW, Fable, etc.
    An FPS is a first person shooter, like halo.
    An RTS is a real time strategy, basicly Warcraft 3, Age of empires, Halo Wars, etc.
    An MMO is a massive multiplayer online game, like Halo. There are also MMORPG's which is a massive multiplayer online role playing game, like World of Warcraft, Runescape, Guild Wars, etc.

    On topic : Honestly, I would get CoD WaW if I had enough money. I don't have enough to buy Fable 2, Farcry 2, GoW2, and Cod5 = /. Wish I did, Cod5 looks great, but I'd just prefer the other 3.
  19. E93

    E93 Guest

    Are those all the types there are?


    Same here, that's why I need to decide fast.
  20. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    There are sub-genres too.

    For example, RTSs games like Hao wars and Starcraft.
    RTT is a sub genre to RTS. An RTT game would be End War.

    Shooting game like Halo and Gears.
    Sub-genres are FPS and TPS.
    An FPS is Halo.
    A TPS is Gears.

    RPG games like Oblivion and Final Fantasy.
    WRPG is oblivion.
    JRPG is Final Fantasy.

    Lastly, Platformer. These are rare these days but Crash Bandicute and Prince of PErsia are platformers.

    So as to help find which games are which,
    RTS(Real Time Strategy) is a game where you most command troops, resources and a base.
    RTT(Real Time Tactics) is a game where you must control Units only.

    Shooters are obvious.
    FPS(First person shooter) Game must be in forst person.
    TPS(Third person shooter) Game must be in third person.

    RPG(Role Playing Game) is a game where you have a selection on what to buy or paths you take.
    WRPG(Western Role Playing Game) is a game where combat is in real time and the game usually has less focus on story.
    JRPG(Japanese Role Playing Game) is where battles are turn bases or where it goes into an intro scene for each battle. Stories are genarally very important in these.
    Sixpakvb likes this.

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