“Danger, Will Robinson!” Pretty long read. Jus' letting you know MAP DL: Enjoy. Gametype DL: Here ya go I'm not good with introductions. So have a picture: That picture (should have) told you that this here is the ultimate tower defense/halo hybrid! For those unsure of what a tower defence game is, go to this. It'll help you understand what this is all about ( Make sure you come back... in at least an hour or two). Go here: Time for a quickie story now, children: LE STORY Once upon a time a bunch of annoying kids wanted to create something on foundry. Their creation was so horrible they were promptly banned from said map. So naturally, they decided to take over all of Forge. One by one, the maps fell. Avalanche crumbled, Narrows was narrowed (?) and High ground just got pwned. Frodo, along with the fellowship, set out for Mordor People tried everything to stop them, including getting that guy who played Braveheart to take the kids on. Since he was such a failure at life, he died. The only map that is left standing is foundry, and the kids have enlisted the help of HaXxOrS to force their way onto the map. You are the last defenders of all that is good forging. Get to it! The Map So let's move onto the map. It's a halo recreation of that game, adapted to have 2 sides, the attackers (kids), and the defenders (other guys). The attackers have to make their way through a winding path to take over Foundry, and make endless copies of horrible fat kid and Cops and robbers maps. Innocent-sounding at first, but then in my proverbial assholery, I placed untold perils along the path. The Untold Perils The defenders. Placed out of reach of the attackers, the defender's job is to shoot down the attackers before they make it to the end. Let's backtrack a moment and plot out the course of the attackers. You begin at the beginning path of beginningness, where things begin. You go down the first straightway past the first guy, hit an S turn by the explosives guy (#2) and go down the splazer straightway (Stay tuned to find out why it's called that), passing guy #3. As our models have shown in the this picture, You must tread through the machine gun guy (#4), and the acupuncture center (guy # 5), then make your way past Throw-annoying-crap-at-you, guy #6. Known as the "**** that's a lot of firepower" hallway, you will have to force your way through guy # 3 (redux), Sniper guy (#7), and the random stuff guy (#8), If you can live through this, you get to the "final boss", randomstuff AND explosives guy (they pack a ). Only after all of this, do you get the joy of ripping apart the lifeforce of foundry: The lifeforce of foundry. Simply enter a teleporter, and you will be taken to 1 of 7 control points of Foundry! After this, just enter the teleporter of suicide (shown at the bottom of the pic ^^) to head back to the start. TO HELP YOU To assist you, you have several goody things. For one, you are naturally beefed up somewhat. 500% resistance, normal shields no shield recharge , normal speed, high gravity, and brown. Second, You have the help of powerups, which, over time, become available to you. When you respawn, you will be placed in one of the powerup rooms (or none at all =C) to be given a boost for your journey. 1 minute - Overshield. twice the health, twice the fun 2 minutes- Camo. Ghost your way through two thirds of path, laughing at the foolish defenders. (Ie it wears out before the end, keep that in mind). 3 minutres - Ultimate Fat kid - They are slow, and packed with steroids (4x overshields, high resistance), not unlike this guy: Third, there are bits of equipment on the map that spawn periodically to help disrupt the defenders. Firebombs- spawns every 30 seconds near the path's beginning. Use them to temporarily blind defenders. Flare - spawn near the middle every 60 seconds. Use to do a wide scale blinding, or a single person screwover. Bubble shield- every 2 minutes, near the end. use to protect yourself for a small portion of path. You don't regen health, so don't bother hiding in it. Now for the Defenders (You'll love this): DEFENDER GUY PEOPLES Traits: 200% damage, regular speed, high gravity, no radar, invulnerable, gold. You will be getting 1 of 8 lovely spots to defend from. Each offers a different set of helpful abilities to hold off the attackers. Used in combination, you can be a love(read: rape) machine. That's a look at 3 different boxes. Here's a list of abilities you get in each box (as time goes by): Box 1: Pistol start, :45 AR, 1:30 s Br, 3:00 s Plasma pistol Box 2: Grenade/pistol start, every :30 plasma and frags, 2:00 brute shot, 3:00 rockets Box 3: pistol start, :45 carbine, 1:30 plasma rifle, 2:00 another rifle, 3:00 spartan lazer. Box 4: 2 pistols start, 1:30 SMG, 2:00 AR, 2 turrets (don't rip em off) 3:00 Box 5: Spiker start, 1:00 another spiker, power drain every 1:30, 3:00 needler Box 6: Pistol start, Every :30 trip mine, every :45 2 deployable covers, 1:30 AR, 3:00 BR Box 7: AR/ pistol start, 1:30 Br, 3:00 sniper Box 8: Sentinel beam start, beam rifle 1:30, fuel rod 3:00 TIPS Defenders -Call out people with certain abilities when you see them, (Ie calling out fat kid guy so lazer guy can have a half charged shot waiting for him) -Use up a clip entirely before reloading. Better yet, switch to another weapon and use its clip up, and keep reloading to the lulls between the action. - Prioritize targets. Use those 2 rockets to knock out the overshield guy, not the fat kid 2 feet from the end with half health. Attackers - Never stop. You don't regain health, so every shot taken by you while hiding is just unnecessary damage. - if possible, go as a group. Don't hang back forever, though, and don't bunch together in a rocket-friendly way. Hugging certain walls can cut off lines of sight of certain people. You find them out for yourselves. Oya, action shots: Overcome by "**** that's a lot of firepower" hallway. The powers. Guess what happened next. Not pictured: A boner for a fuel rod. FIN I think that's about it, if there's anything unclear, just post it. Keep in mind, this is a pretty rough version, a public beta if you will. If i hear an interlock comment, I swear I will get Mr. T to kill a kitten. He'll do it.
Omg that's me getting that boner!!! WTF? Anyway I am glad you took my suggestion about equipment and this map is pretty entertaining so I will say that people should play on it if they get the chance
hahahahaha i loved playing this map with you, its best with a lot of people. Did you fix up the equipment room?
Yes, opened it just a teensy bit more. It still takes a bit of a wrist action to chuck it out though. I like it, it seperates the men from the boys.
LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! great map though! nice idea. but cant defenders getdown and assassinate the attackers?? BTW, i love the interlocking.
=[]...........................arms........................little head.............................AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! 4/5
Nope, they have high gravity, and the walls are placed just so they can't get out, but can see pretty well. Feel free to try though, as I said it's still very much a beta.
yes man! finally you posted this, i have to say its not too much fun with 4 or 6 people, but 8 people is when it starts. this idea is way too original for words and this game was my favorite game on the web for like a month. ncie job keep making more fun maps like u do.
Lol, Wtf? anyways I remember playing here, i didn't know that you created it though, i really liked playing on it however, i didn't like playing as the dude in the box with the brute shot and rocket launcher, the spot was terrible, i really had no chance on killing anyone. Overall the map was great! Overall Rating: 9/10 "Great Map, Great Game, Great Forging"
Awesome interlockz, and nice shopping skittles. I won't rate until I play it, but you got my download.
I loved this the moment when I first played it, I've always been a fan of tower defense. I love the way you've managed to work this on territories. The only downsides that I can think of that can't be fixed are the fact that you have to wait until the end of the time limit if you capture all of the territories and you can sometimes go in the wrong teleporter and gain no points. I'm going to give this 5/5 just because you managed to create a seemingly impossible game. Oh and by the way have you fixed the spawn problem?
Somewhat. Rather than attack the spawning system, I just switch the area that open up. Os is closes to the action, Custom furthest. Since the closest one opens up shortly into the game, it isn't affected as much by spawns. I wanted to make more than 8 territories, but for someone reason after 8 it drops off your earliest one. Why even add the option for 12 territories, then?
Is it supposed to work like a wave of normal people, then a wave of overshields, a wave of active camos and then a wave of fat kids? I thought that the fat kids were a tad too powerful. Having about 4 or 5 going down the last stretch is really hard to kill. But then again if you reduce the power of them then it would be unfair on the creeps because they're supposed to get harder to kill as the game progresses.
That has to be the most ridiculous post for a map ever! Aside from that though, good map, but what do the attackers do once they,ve captured a territory?
They go into the death teleporter which kills them and they do the whole thing all over again! (Sorry if Someguy didn't want me to answer that question, this is your thread.)
No problem, thanks for the help (+rep be to you). And what happens is, as time goes on, those types of enemies appear ON TOP of the rest. So at around 1:30 in, you'll get about half regular, half overshields. Or in the last 3 minutes, a mix of regular, OS, camo, and fat kid.
Yeah the problem is as the new types of creeps are unlocked that type is the only one being used. Like when the active camo becomes available all of the people spawn at the active camo for some reason.
lol i like how much work you put into the post itself you kept it funny and informative u have my download
I haven't had that happen to me to a huge extent. It may amount to nothing in the end, anyway. Deathtoll77 showed me some things on avalanche forge which is very tower-defense friendly. I may remake this on there. The plus would be having a better spawn system, box system, capture system, etc. Just need to build up the motivation to make this on again on avalanche.