Map name-Undergroundbase-3 Game types Infection The Flood V4 Description Undergroundbase-3 is map 6 of the Undergroundbase series. Undergroundbase-3 is a infection map that has vary good gameplay, using some vary good forge techniques, and has took 6-8 hours to make. OK, zombies start on behind a wall, to prevent spawn killing. Zombies get out with a grav-lift, so they my rain terror on humans. Humans start near two fence boxs, and have two turrets to use. Then they have some hidding places and some hidden weapons around the map. Humans have 2 sniper points, with vary good coverage of the map, and have some hold out points around the map. Pictures Overview right side Overview left side Human spawn(note you can see 2 hidden weapons in this pic) Zombie spawn Action pics Me flaming somebody Elamentalegend camping Elamentalegend failing at camping Me getting pwnd I never saw it coming Before Elamentalegend started camping After Elamentalegend started camping So I hope you like it and remember kids There will be Pokemon
I'd have to take a look at the game settings and weapon set on the map to get an idea of its balance, but I'm seeing a good sign in the looks of it. You've got an original design *slanted wall bit* , fairly smooth construction, and the inside looks pretty crazy.
It has pretty good gameplay, if it didn't I would not have posted it lol and has good amont of weapons.
May you post a weapon list? Eliminate camping? Power weapons? If so, how Many? All considerible questions my friend. The slant is nice interlocking everywhere........ 4.1/5
man that wall there is a genius idea, it's a bit sloppy though it doesn't seem to affect the gameplay and the post is up to standards so great job.
I'm a big fan of oddly structered buildings and you have done a captivting job of capturing the shape and feel of an underground base 4/5
This likes a pretty cool infection map except to me there is one problem. The sides of the wall are totally open, HUGE openings. You should make them smaller to make it harder for the zombies...muhahaha...well to me thats a problem but its might not be for anyone else...
well 1st off- its not underground so your title is completely false. the map is very sloppy-it has a lot of jumbled objects inside the base. and you make it sound good, and its not- camping. thats a bad thing to have in a map- it looks like the zombies would quit of frustration rather than sit there and be killed by campers numerous times. also you left the rest of foundry open-there is an entire map left over. thats another thing zombies would quit about-they would be BR'd before they can enter. this map needs work
looks okay maybe more of a walkthrough type of pics, u kinda lost me in it, im not gonna get after you for it bieng cleaner cause i know sometimes you get a little lazy and just say "good enough" but in a v2 maybe clean it up some, good though. & try for a weapons list... 3.5/5 PS- if anyone knows a good way to GEOMERGE please send me a PM telling me how.
Good map. 4.5/5. I like the way you slanted it and nice interlocking. I see no geo-merging but I'm not one to judge that. I can't even do geo-merging. Definite D/L for me. Good job, keep up on the forging.
Looks pretty fun because of the open space in the base. I curious to find out what it will like inside with all the zombies with a full party lol Nice job on this map 4.3/5
wow dude nice idea's there's but you could have made the underground base more exlorable, maybe some propper rooms or mines
please, describe gameplay i hate it when people dont describe variant it allows me to know what i am actually playing map looks nice looks like itll make for some nice action 3.7/5
Lookes good, but i was hoping for more tight tunnels and little secret areas, but that was just me getting over excited at the name, so i give you a full blown 3/5