One Sided CTF problems.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by cB fROm aK, Dec 7, 2007.

  1. cB fROm aK

    cB fROm aK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I've been having problems with one of my favorite forged maps that I have made off of Sandtrap. I want it to be a One Sided CTF, but there's a problem. Whenver I play it in custom games, The flag always spawns on one of the elephants, regardless of weather that spawn point was deleted or not. I tried using Flag spawn areas as well, but it does no good. Can anyone here tell me how to fix this. If so I will be very grateful. Thanks!
  2. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Bungie put in default respawn areas, objectives and so on that appear if there are no other choices available. What this means is that if you start a forge map that has been wiped clean, then change the gametype to, for example, CTF, because you have no flag spawns or cap points the default ones get placed. What you need to do is place your own, then go and delete the bungie defaults. To double check, look at the details of the objective items. If the 'placed on map' value is higher than you expect, then you've missed one out. The exception to this is the neutral spawn point - you won't be placing one, so it will always be there, but if you're playing one flag it won't appear anyway. But bear in mind it will be included in the 'placed on map' value though.

    Hope that helps.
  3. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    That's a basic problem shock, but here's what people normally do and what I think is wrong...

    You most likely have the one-sided flag set to neutral... don't do that. The flag is either defender or attacker (I can't remember which, but I think it is defender). For some reason, neutral flags do nothing. And make sure your return point is set to the same as the flag (either defender or attacker). And if you put only neutral flags, the map will not be meeting its minimum requirements (which I believe is atleast 1 set of a flag spawn and return for 1 team... or maybe 2...). That seems to be your problem cb...
  4. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ah, I assumed that attacker/defender flags had been defined, albeit wrongly. As AZN said,
    And the rest ^

    Good luck with your map, cB. Please don't hesitate to ask for more advice if needed.
  5. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    You need a spawn and capture defenders points where you want the one flag to be, and both for attackers where you want it to be able to be captured. Then delete extra spawn and capture points, you should now be able to place 14 of each.
  6. cB fROm aK

    cB fROm aK Ancient
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    I'm glad you all tried to help me, but alas, I have already tried al of the aboves. The Flag spawn point where I want it to be is set to Defenders.

    Correct me if I'm wrong. The flag return point is where you must go to make a capture? Or is it just a place for the flag to respawn?
    If the first one, I'm kind of confused. I have just a flag spawn point where I want the flag to be, and there is a retun point on the other side of the map. Do they both need to be set to Defenders? or one to Defenders, 1 to attackers?

    Also, for some reason, the flag will occasionally spawn where I want it to if I'm on Defence, but when I should switch to offence, I stay on Defence, but the flag moves to the elephant.

    I'm so very confused, and I'm glad you tried to clear things up for me. Thanks a bunch, but it won't help my problem. Any more suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
  7. omar rodrigo

    omar rodrigo Ancient
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    this works for me just

    just look where does the default flag spawn and where do they score and enter forge, MOVE the default spawn points dont delete them, move them to where u want them to be and test the map (move the 2 parts of the flag, the base and what its above it a kind of "X" to the same place and in the same position)

    ALSO try this map lol im kind of advertising it here but also is a good example of a CTF one sided, no variant u just play a custom with default one sided flag

    HEY here it is

    HOPE THIS HELP, at least at this map works, i've done it
  8. cB fROm aK

    cB fROm aK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    So... Delete the place where i want it to be, Save changes. End Game, and stert up again. Find the default spawn point and move it back to where I want it? I don't think I've tried that yet. Thanks a bunch.
  9. omar rodrigo

    omar rodrigo Ancient
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    no, just find the default flag stuff and move it to where u want it all together, this is because if u place a new flag spawn point first of all u can place it wrong because the attack and defend stuff and second because sometimes i dont know why the flag stills spawn at the default area so just move the default but move the 2 parts even u will play one side ctf if this dont work for u send me a friend request to: omar rodrigo and i can help u maybe u must send me a message first because i have the friends list full so if u message me i'll delete someone
  10. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    The defenders and attackerd both need spawn and capture points. Put both for "defenders" where you want the one flag to be, and both for "attackers" where you want it to be able to be captured. Now delete all the default spawn/captures.
  11. mrod009

    mrod009 Ancient
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    How can i make it so the two teams both defend the same base?
    So i have the flag on top of this waterfall, and i have it labeled defenders. there is a big drop and i have a return point labeled attackers. is that correct?
  12. The Jon B

    The Jon B Ancient
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    I'm having problems with this too. I'm trying to setup a map for both multi-flag and one flag CTF, but the only one that works is multi-flag. I'm trying to set the map up so that when you play one-flag, the flag spawns in the middle of the map in a pit, and on multi-flag both flags spawn in their respective bases. Here's what I've tried:

    Setting multi-flag spawn points to symmetrical and setting one flag spawn point to asymmetrical/defenders

    Setting multi-flag spawn points to neutral and setting one flag spawn point to asymmetrical/defenders

    Setting multi-flag spawn points to symmetrical and setting one flag spawn point to asymmetrical/attackers

    Setting multi-flag spawn points to neutral and setting one flag spawn point to asymmetrical/attackers

    Setting multi-flag spawn points to symmetrical and setting one flag spawn point to asymmetrical/defenders and creating a new one flag return point to asymmetrical/defenders

    Setting multi-flag spawn points to symmetrical and setting one flag spawn point to asymmetrical/defenders and creating a new one flag return point to asymmetrical/attackers

    The only flag return points I have are in the bases, one defense and one attackers, and symmetry is set to both. If symmetry is set to both, shouldn't these return points work in all CTF variants? Yet when I try out one flag, the one-flag spawn point I setup never works. What gives?
  13. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Odd, it seems like having that setup should work. Just to be sure I'm understanding you:

    1 - Attacker Flag Spawn Point: Symmetrical
    1 - Attacker Flag Return Point: Symmetrical

    1 - Defender Flag Spawn Point: Symmetrical
    1 - Defender Flag Return Point: Symmetrical (or Both)

    1 - Defender Flag Spawn Point: Asymmetric
    1 - Defender Flag Return Point: Asymmetric (or Both)

    That should work. I have a setting like yours on a map of mine where the asymmetric flag spawns in a different spot than the multi-flag and works just fine. If you haven't already, maybe look at some default setups on the regular maps to see if that helps you any more. Let us know if you still can't get it working.
  14. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    OR you could do it the easy way and look at one of the maps that the guilders have made such as the Citadel that are already made for 1 flag. Just look at the settings there and copy. It'd be a whole heck of a lot easier than trying to communicate through text.
  15. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    *slaps forehead*

    or you could just do that...
  16. The Jon B

    The Jon B Ancient
    Senior Member

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    good call. thanks for the tip.

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