map: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details gametype: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details DON'T FORGET TO DOWNLOAD GAMETYPE! INTRODUCTION. Okay this is my first map. It was made be me with some help from my friend, one of the creators of pennyless, deathtoll77. I spent quite some time on this map. Now just so you guys know this is version one. I'm eventually going to interlock all the platform and also I'm going to make the places where i blocked everything off look neater. Now you may be thinking why not just post that version? The answer to that question is I'm a very very lazy person so its not gona be done for a very very long while... GAMEPLAY. This is a minigame. pretty much the game starts out like this. There is one zombie. there is a floating platform. zombies do no damage. humans have plasma pistols. The humans spawn on the platforms. So what happends is the zombie has to splatter the humans while the humans have to kill the zombies by diasabling there vehicle so the zombies fall to there death. It is crazy and a lot of fun! SCORING. Zombies score a point for killing a human. humans score a point for killing the zombie. Also humans get two points for being last man standing. SIDE NOTES There is a missile pod that spawns in two minutes. MORE TO BE ADDED IN SIDE NOTES. PICTURES phew that was a close one. (yes I did come out alive ) Human spawn. zombie spawn. Who will come out alive? Shoulda been paying attention... This is why it called kamikaze he dies but so does 2-3 other people.... you better jump out the way if you wanna survive! Bad driver.... wow that was a close one! (take note of the zombie in lower right hand corner.) Remember that zombie... well this is that zombie 10 seconds later....(zombies do no damage but can still splatter....) This is a very fun map and very fun to make. Special thanks to: Insane54: Helped me when i couldn't upload to my file share. (because of the word help... had to change help to assistance) Deathtoll77: helped me make my map and gave some good suggestions. Thanks dude!
Very interesting, i like the idea of having to splatter people and if you miss you die and if you get someone you die....... cool! one big question, how long does it take for the banshees/Hornets to spawn? looks very interesting ill have to Dl this a check it out. (by the way having plasma pistols gives vehicle based games even funner, nice job!)
This is very interesting and original. I like the idea of this map but it doesn look very easy to kill the guy in the banshee. Good Job
The map looks fun but I am looking forward to your Interlocked Version, I will download it later but what happens if the human falls off the floating structure how do they get back up?
Usually 20 seconds... There is no way around that though.although it is fun just to melee people while waiting... usually though the game is over within 1-3 minutes. also 70 percent of all rounds you don't have to wait.... although its always hectic though when your waiting for the one hornet on banshee you'll be on edge and since theirs 6 vehicles they spawn quite often even though the game will only allow 20 second respawn because the fall into the pit. It's actually easier to kill the guy in banshee then the banshee killing you IF its 1 vs 1 with a regular party you can usally kill 1 or 2 guys in the beggining and then its pretty even from there. They die and respawn. its actually off the edge if it wasn't how exactly would the zombies be killed...
look at the second pic. the humans are not supposed to get off. if they try they hit the man cannons and fall to thier deaths. btw, cool map. great idea! 5/5 for creativity. the actuall map could be better tho. the human base more spacificly.
wow this looks funny! "ok there they are, all they got is plasmas. hahaha hey steve look at these guys! ok i think ill run them over. ok here we go!" fffffwwwwssshhhh BEEP BEEP BEEP (red light are going off inside the ship) "Crash landing!" ~players on the base~ "haha you see that guy look at him wow he is falling fast!" "oh no nick look out!" "WHAT!?!?" ~guy in the game~ "spatter kill" lol but for real i like this game i wish i could say something more but all that comes to mind is... "spatter kill" but for real what comes to mind is "WOW, this looks fun!"
I know that the base is not the best. But i'm making a new version with interlocking but that is a long time project. I just wanted to throw this out there because whenever i showed my friends what i was making they said i should post it. this was originally the beta build. The beta build was made for a general idea of the map and to see if it was a good idea. Then one day my friend deathtoll77 said that i should just post this version since the other one is such a long term project. so i fixed this one up to my liking and posted it.
I spent a lot of time making it cheat proof... actually about 3 hours of making it cheat proof with 2 friends.... so no they can't get off the map if they feel like it...
This looks like a hilariously fun minigame... My only qualm would be that it looks like the lone first zombie would get RAPED. If everyone is just darting around their platform with plasma pistols ready, as soon as that ship comes in for a splat It's gonna get disabled. I understand the whole kamikaze theory, but I really tihnk it would take a lot of practice and some inattentive humans for that to work. Looks liks it could be a lot of fun though, if all flows smoothly. I'm gonna throw this minigame a 3.5/5. I <3 minigames =)
It looks like a lot of fun and really planned out! The map isn't that great though... And in a big party, wont you get those retards that just fool around and not do what their supposed to? (Eg. on Clay Shooting people in the gauses will go O.B. and run around.) So in this they could go into the base or sumptin... 3/5, looks pretty cool! and ill DL.
I have played this and it is a lot of fun and different I enjoyed a quite a bit Simple Ideas are always the way to go Thats all really its a fun little game and worth playing
Two things, I am ONE of the creators of pennyless, add that in. Another thing "few" is spelled like phew. On to the map: The map itself is better put together more than any of you think, The base is not that bad. The zombies do spawn far enough back so that their vehicles are not pre-disabled. flying at top speed toward the base trying to get out of the sights of the humans is a blast. If you do get hit by a plasma pistol, you prey that take one of those bastards with you. The feeling is kind of like world war 2. But to go with your theme I have these suggestions. 1.) Make a multi-leveled boat, instead of random boxes. 2.) Put the "old timey" effect on. You do not have to take these suggestions but I think that they would be a nice addition.
I gotta give you props man this is the first good minigame on forgehub in a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time. D/L
I like the idea of the multi-leveled boat a lot. BUT, how exactly could i make one that the banshee wouldn't get stuck on? Oh and as i said before i never really liked effects :/. Also congrats on 3 rep squares dude!
lololol Im going to rebuild this map. ;] Looks like the same as the beta, not to much interlocking going on. I only wished that you changed the structure a bit.
I know that not much changed since the beta. Deathtoll77 told me to post the beta version since my "good, and interlocked" version is taking a while there are still a few "issues" with this version. You can expect to see my "good, and interlocked" version soon. It will probably be done within two months.
Interestong... but what about a large loop. Like a sideways ring the banshee can fly through and around. No hang ups. Also it gives a chance for humans to survive. Imagine your up on the top part of the ring. A banshee is comming and you miss. So you step back into what looks like your death but amazingly you land on the bottom of the ring. Your still able to play and you still in the fight.
wait so can the humans still hijack? but other then that seems pretty good to me okay i downloaded it and played with 4 people last night it was a blast. the floatin platform is far enough away so the humans cant jump to the land. the best moment was when i flew under the boxes like a shark in the banshe. all i hear is "where is he? then boom double splatter .