ok ok instead of getting mad at peoples high standards of forging about people needing to interlock at least once in every map, I spawned this. this is a newyork Sewer. History: Is this really necessary? Description: i have geo-emerged objects and interlocked dozens. not only that but i also put in some floating objects. This map is great for small group battles. it is Ready for CTF but its not really great for that kind of game. this is primarily a slayer based map. Inventory: No Power Ups 2 spikers 2 plasma Riffles 2 SMGS 2 Carbines 2 Battle riffles 1 Sniper (not very useful no spare ammo 1 Beam Riffle (not very useful low ammo 2 assault Riffle 1 plasma Pistol 1 bruteshot (hidden in a 'drain') 1 Shotgun (no spare clips and hidden only accessable gravelift) 1 sentinal beam 1 Power Drain 1 Regen 1 Radar Jammer 2 Trip mine 1 grav lift Enough Grenades Pics As Usual Critisism is accepted but only if you download the map. If some things are severely out of wack or enough small things are i will create v2. D o w n l o a d T h i s M a p
Looks good maybe a little small by looking at your pictures. I like the "bridge halfpipe" but you should flip them upside down to make it look more professional. Also i would like to show you some fixes i think would work to your inventory but you should note i don't know how it plays: Inventory: No Power Ups 2 spikers 2 plasma Riffles 2 SMGS 2 Carbines <-- remove one or both 2 Battle riffles <-- remove one or both 1 Sniper (not very useful no spare ammo) <-- if you got no to little use of it remove it 1 Beam Riffle (not very useful low ammo) <-- same deal here 2 assault Riffle <-- not really needed 1 plasma Pistol 1 bruteshot (hidden in a 'drain') 1 Shotgun (no spare clips and hidden only accessable gravelift) 1 sentinal beam <-- maybe you should remove this or hide it some where hard to find since its a good weapon 1 Power Drain 1 Regen 1 Radar Jammer <-- remove 2 Trip mine <-- remove one and place one in the middle between the "bases" 1 grav lift Enough Grenades So but ill DL this map and play it to see what you need to fix and seeing you named the map V1 i hope you will make a V2 Keep forgin'!
i can see that. i will replace one of them. We will see. Agreed I will see what i can do given i am out of useable objects.
i hate to say it scince it looks like it took you a while to do but, you bridges would probably look wayyy better if they were upside down. also in v2 you should spend alot of time on the "water" because right now it looks kinda last minute. also you cant really get a good view of the map from the pics, it looks like an "L" shape but i could be mistaken. ill dl later if i remember the map name but im off to forge another map so ill be off...
it looks cool but sry to say but there is sloppy interlocking in this map but ill download it & nice map anyways
i cant quite figure out why i like this map but ill dl and for a v2 maybe fix that water and remove quite a bit of your weapons other then that looks pretty good