So let me get this straight: 4 friends who really, REALLY like acid thought it would be a good idea to make puppets out of themselves and make a kid's show out of it? Even H.R. Pufnstuf wasn't that creepy. *shiver* And what the **** is that lobster holding?
?! That was not scary, that was terrifying! I could not understand a word because of this extremely high voice. And what did this eat salad thing do in there?! EDIT This post made me member!!
Your going to have Nighmares looking at their smiles? I'm going to have nightmares just looking into their eyes. lol. Due me a favor Master never post something this creepy again. You just made a PG-13 Forum turn into a Rated-R forum just by posting that video. *Cries from Nightmares*.
Part of me just died inside... Who in their right mind thought exposing children to stuff like this would be a good idea? Our generation is going to be several kindsof ****ed up.
I hope those guys dont enter my dreams because if they do I will wake up very confused at night. D: I wonder why kids watch that, they need to start watching avatar lol
*Counters Avatar guys suggestion fueled by his obvious obsession with a cartoon with my own suggestion* they need to start watching digimon lol
That really would have scared me when I was a child. On my God. They should at least take the scary high-pitched voice out that you can't even understand.