Dont make me shoot my Energy GUN!!! & lol im gonna put this in my sig later on. tell on what u think of the screenshot
Lol, how do you do that? I've seen that a few times, but never found out how. Nice screenshot. IMA FIRE'N MA ENERGY SWORD!!! Lol.
It's a cool glitch. Basically, you're holding the sword like an assault rifle. But, since this was not edited, it needs to posted in the screenshots section.
Nice pic. I actually think that will work well in a sig, of course if it is made well Nice armour too, it stands out unlike mine lol.
I think you were in the middle of swinging and right when you were swinging or beginning to it glitched like that or something NICE Screenie
NO ITS ACTUALLY REAL U CAN DO IT & ILL TELL U HOW: ok spawn 2 SMGs then spawn a sword then after that pick up the energy sword & then pick up an SMG leaving 1 SMG on the ground & the energy sword as your primary weapon. now while holding an SMG look at the other SMG & hold "y" then press "LB" but b4 you press lb you have to let go of y then u should have the sword like a gun. but u from ur character you will look like ur holding the sword normaly but if u have a friend playing with u they will see u holding the sword like a gun. Ohhh yeah 1 more thing this can be done on local but if done on xbox live with a tiny bit of bad ping when u attck som1 it will look like ur stabbing them & so thats pretty much it. OHH 1 more thing, u cannot lunge with the sword when holding the sword with to hands u can only do regular melee attac