So a couple weeks back I finally got my Katana armor. (yay) I had 1010 Achievements point in Halo, and thats the reason why I had it in the 1st place. But, 1 day ago Ive seemed to have lost it. I still have 1010 Achievement Points in Halo 3 also. Any ideas/help? And yes, I load everything before I start actually playing in Matchmaking or whatever. (maps, films, etc.)
I think I heard a few people have similar things happen, like losing security armor as well. Perhaps Bungie updated it recently so that to acquire it you must first unlock all original achievements. I got Security and Katana days before the new achievements were implemented by unlocking all original achievements and unless I've lost the armors within the last few hours, I still have them.
Well Ill see if I can still get the Achievements. If I cant, then good job Bungie. 1st its not letting me get Graduate achievments. And now my armors gone.
bungie is well aware of this problem and they are working on it. It will most likely be in an update.
Did you get this info in a BNet update? Have a link so I can read it? Ad if its true then thats promising.
i have have the same problem. when i heard that bungie was releasing new Achievements i huuried to get the last two and get the katana and i made it and was so happy. but a few days ago i lost katana and security helmet. but im sure bungie is trying to fix the problem. i hope for the sake of ninja style katana armor and cool looking security helmet.
Good you dont deserve it the only way you should get katana and security is from the original achievements. I hate that people are just skipping the hard achievements then are getting in partys to get the easy new ones.
Easier said then done my friend. I still don't have the Graduate Completion Achievement and Im a 49 Brigadier. So no, I couldn have gotten it without the new achievements because even if the new achievements werent released I still wouldnt be able to get Katana because I would be missing the Graduate achievement whish is like what? 5 points? And thats a rather rude post.
if it's happening frequently, like that elite permutation, they'll probably give it to everyone in an update.
i got mine 1010, then it kept relocking itself, so i got the vidmaster acheivment and got it somewhat permanantly, because i can play games with it on now, and im not sure if it will relock. so just get one of those 0g acheivments and you should be fine, at least i was
I did 2 of them so far and still none. Im expecting that it should come back in like a week or sumthing.