yah, i have been looking under the floor. I found a secret cave but i cant get in without the guardians killing me. However, i got as close as possible, and saw some kind of shadow in the cave, it might look like a Hornet, but it could just be a rock. So i dunno yet.
I'm seriously, Heed. You are wasting your time. Unless you can give us some sort of objective, verifiable proof, or even a vid of it that runs like 5 seconds, most people have no reason to believe that said hornet exists. I've said this before, you are wasting your time. Give me proof, and I will support you 100%.
i dnt have 100% solid proof it exists. It is still just a rumor that im trying to prove or disprove. 3 of my friends say they have found it before. One of them had a video but we never got to the Hornet cause the video was 3 hours long. So i dunno yet.
... This hornet thing is basically the god debate then, isn't it? I can't prove it doesn't exist, so you search for proof. And I've looked through videos longer than three hours to get 1 screenshot. I believe that the wool is being pulled over your eyes. If you have that film, start it, pull down the Right Trigger all the way, press start, let go of the trigger, press start again, and it will be in constant fast forward until you touch the trigger or A again. Good luck on the waiting to see nothing.
I found something!!! But not a Hornet. I managed to go inside a cave without dieing. I found a fragment grenade in the cave. There is nothing special about this grenade. Makes same explosion and looks the same. So i guess you could say that I haven't really acomplished anything lol.
yeah i guess i could try to go into the cave again but there is nothing in there except a plain old grenade. The cave is under the floor. You have to walk on those rails that are holding the floor up. There are lots of those caves actually. Most are impossible to get to without being killed by the guardians.
Ive never seen it because my friend told me a few days after I got RRoD and it still hasnt come back yet but unless he lied then it should be there
That's the first time I ever heard about the Scarab gun on that map. I've been off that map hundreds of times and even into space. But I have never found anything about a scarab gun.
They wouldn't put a scarab gun in a Multiplayer map! It would be so cheap... maybe a campaign level, I wish they left it in...