This was a collaboration b/w me and Ramides...although i kinda built everything lol jk. Sick and tired of your dull campy infection games? Well then this is your cup of tea. Wallball is a strange at first but becomes second nature in a flash. The premise of wallball is that humans are enclosed in an area. There are 2 zombies and they are stuck on the outside. At glance, you would think that the zombies can't reach the humans. However, Hammer + Fusion Coils =pure killing fun. Yes that's right. The zombies have to launch the fusion coils at the humans with their hammers. The humans will have to keep on the move to dodge the fusion coils. The game is a blast to play and can get crazy fast. The panic you will feel is like no other. Hope you guys enjoy! Map Download Gametype Download Teh Gameplay Vid Overview A zombie with good aim will rule this level Humans prepare to run for their lives A skilled human weaving between explosions
Just when I thought all mini-games were lame, I came across this. It looks like a cool new game experience. I'd like to check it out some time.
I remember helping test this. It was great, although the zombies don't have to aim. I just had them shot off. When I first started playing I said: Aww, the humans are just gonna camp where the zombies can't get them... They can't. Very nice, I agree with furious. Excellently executed.
I like the zombies to get kills on their own merits instead of relying on random events to get it for them. ty for the feedback though
Fluffy, if you check, there's actually a vid link in my post....maybe i should put it in bigger font..