Party House Created by Th Kn1ght,boydy, and DRiSCOLL Have you ever wanted to just go on Halo just to mess around? Just to PARTY?!?! Well one day, I met up with boydy and we got sick and tired of stupid matchmaking and its intensity so we decided to just party! It started out on an epic DLC Slayer match where we booted our two team members and partied. We had the other team party with us and if you want a video of that experience click here. Well back to the subject. We carefully put this map together just to screw around and have fun in Halo! Now please do not post junk like “N33DS MOAR 1NT3RLOCKING!!” or similar comments because if you say that YOU are the one that "N33DS MOAR 1NT3RLOCKING" We worked long and hard on this map. (If ten minutes qualifies that). Now in order for this map to work, you either need to have a serious mental condition or a free light and non competitive spirit. There were many famous quotes during this map making process which include: Th Kn1ght: “We don’t want your money, we just want your toys!” (and other various forms of that) Boydy: “Party, Party, Party, Party, Party, Party, Party, Party, Party, Party, Party, Party, Party, Party, cont.” DRiSCOLL: “ *silence* ” If you are EVER need of a fun time, good jokes, and stuff like that, I recommend you play this because I had a blast making it and messing around on it. Pictures: Party on and around DRiSCOLL (who is not playing) Party, Party, Party Through the transporter.... thingy! Party like the way it was originated Don't party with fire or This will happen Up the random Party man cannon! The Epic Win called the Fusion Coil house Random Madness! Gah! The Flare! More random madness Messin' with DRiSCOLL while he STILL isn't playing The Epic Win I Like To Call The Map Makers Boydy Th Kn1ght DRiSCOLL Now if you want some good partying songs, I have already gone on Youtube and found a few songs that will lighten up you spirit! Now in case you missed it,]here is the Download Link! Enjoy!!! And may your parties be filled with.... randomness? Closing Note: Please do not flame or neg rep and junk like that. This is somewhat of a joke and if it needs to be moved to Off Topic or something that Mods go ahead and do it. If it needs to be deleted than that would be okay too!
sorry, but it seems like a waste of time to make, and a waste of time to play.. even though you said dont flame, why post it if it is going to be flamed?
LOLOLOL! Its fun to play on i think personally .. You could make some cool effects on it and it was fun to make with knight boy =]
Okay even thought i love you knight i think this is epic lol, it would be well fun but what game to play ..... ... oddball maybe
haha, i'm downloading this and im going to party tonight! play the song called sandstrom, lol besides the hard partying that goes on here, seems to be very well built, very smooth interlokcing, nice geomerging. Overall Rating: 9/10 "Like A College Party.."
Needs moar interlocking 1/5 Ha why am i not surprised you would make this knight? lol I'm not gonna donwload but it sounds like a good time. Maybe more fun to make then play though lol.
Epic map! on bungie day this should be featured for utter originality. invite me to one of your partys and ill screw things up (*if you know what i mean*) very nicely made! also i think this is an off- topic map but who cares.
w00t this is amazing. but im not gonna dl because of 1 thing. Wheres the fusion coil launcherz!!!!! you cant have a party without a fusion coil launcherz!!!!! oh well im gonna go make one with a fusion coil launchers and other things. yours is good for inspiration but mine may be better.
Well hundred percent for originality Ill tell you that lol NIce map never heard of a map for partying lol Looks fun