Ok, hi guys. This is my first post and first map ever, so don't expect it to be that good. When i made it i had never heard of interlocking and such, i just want to know if you like the concept. I can go back and make a V2 if anyone likes it. Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details currently works with this one bomb gametype Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Includes an activateable "light bridge" weapons Same for bothe sides exept for: Attackers get a sword Defenders get splazer Each side are: 2x snipers 2x smg 1x rockets 2x BR's 2x carbines 2x plasma nade's Beware the fall to your death teleports!
If you need pics use www.photobucket.com Also check this guide on how to embed pictures to forgehub. Can't wait to see Carnage Chasm. Edit: By the way I like the idea of a light bridge, but what is it made of?
So i just take screenshots, then host them online, then post them? I have pictures now, they are in the first post
Sorry, is this competitive? Dont see the gameplay in this map. I know you probably worked hard, but to see how to make a competitive map.. Bayonetwork (Feature Post) I know this may seem harsh but how are you going to improve if everyone says 'teh nice interlockinz'. Tips: Turn Bridges upside down Turn Double boxes upside down