Dude nobody's going to believe you unless you show the longshore and also there is not going to be new armor you heard that from a lier.
About the tazer, just think about it for a second. Someone zapping you and then you have to stay in place for 6 seconds. That is twice the length of a slayer respawn. There is no way that that could come close to working. I bet you would see these losers all over live zapping people in place for the entire time. *ZAP* (wait 6 seconds) *ZAP*..... over and over again. Not a possibility. "*sneeze*- Sorry, I'm allergic to BS." Will Smith in iRobot.
Please everybody stop spamming this thread with mean comments like "You fail" and "You fail because you didn't put in a link or a picture". All of these comments are against the rules. @Warfang866: You need to stop posting mean comments about what you call BullShi- to other members. I probably wouldn't care all that much if this was Off-Topic but the fact that post matters in here all of these mean comments are basically spam post.
I have heard a little bit about this, and there has been a flood of the new halo campaign coming, But nothing certain right now IMO. I havent read too much about it but if you could link to a page with information it would be nice. & In a way you just contributed to the spam, The question was asking "Do you guys know anything about the new Weapons/Armor?" And you just complained about other members spamming, they will get their punishments if they are caught.
Gonna go through and give a couple infractions in a bit. No more "you fail", this thread is a discussion of the possible inclusion of all - or any - of the things he said. Lots of rumors come up, you can discuss it without going 'omfg u r fail lololol'. While I kinda doubt he has a picture of Longshore, thats completely besides the point anyway. Further flaming will be infracted heavily.
Lol, and nobody says a thing. I honestly don't believe there will be new weapons in Halo 3, but as far as new weapons go, Halo: Recon is already a 100% guarantee for new weapons so I will believe that.
Halo 3: Recon //Same game really, just added on stuff. So there may be a few new weapons (like the silenced SMG -I think that is a bit lame since you'll still know you're taking damage... er, well, you just wont hear what's killing you? lawlz)... Anyways, as for new weapons, the taser sounds kind of lame as sweeny said; I just don't seeing being used. I think they've got enough weapons as it is, but I'm sure they'll add at least one or two. IMO, the gun the ODST Soldier is holding is a customized-SMG that only he can use (in as only he has it and it wont be there for customs)...
Halo 3 Recon is technically a subsection of Halo 3. That's why it's called Halo 3: Recon. Anyways, with the Recon addition, new weapons will be added as well an enemies, other characters, and new areas. It seems like they're making this to close the huge gap between Halo 2 and 3 (story wise). Anyways, it's hard to think that with a year of time between now and the release that they won't implement any new weapons, enemies, or new characters. I just want more news on what type of forge stuff they're implementing. Hopefully they took the fans advice on that.
This one I go for...it was in GameInformer. The other stuff...where are you getting your information? Sounds like your "friends" are screwing with you buddy.