General: are you all okay. You: yes sure we crash landed though. General: what the hell is down there private. You: I dont know but Holy S*&T! What we lost copral by some type General:Are you telling you got infected down there? You:Yes sir OH AHHHHHHHHHHH........AWHHHHHHHHHHHH! General:What the hell happend! Commander:Sir private is dead. Every one move out lock and load we are deserted for now.Survive at all cos...AWHHHHHHH... ... ...BRAAAAAAAAAIIIINS DESERTED:Sand Men: Comming Soon to halo 3
Please don't double post. This thread makes absolutely no sense and I do not like it no do I like your spamming ways.
it sounds interesting, but ya you should post more about it. so will like the map incorporate a story with ur map and add a gametype of some sort to it?
yeah well u have just crashed in a hornet and you have to scavenged weapons and get to the warthog. PS there is a splazer hidden