Have u seen the new updat>>> it is elite... u cant even imagine well i dont want to spoil it... but there is going to be a new campaign in fall 2009 (i no F that thats like a year).... and we wont play as spartan 117 but as a recon... hints the name Halo 3 Recon.... lol well tell me what u guys think it takes place on Earth and um... there r brutes and it looks like really cool reminds me of the one w/ the giant soccerball and the spider lol (scarab) and the BLASTER CANNON gun lol... what u guys think... DIZguss....
I think it looks sick...it reminds me of eagle eye if people have seen that. The part where the computer thing is leading him on by screens and electronic equipment, telling him when to hide, be care, or prepare to fighttt!! Looks win.
Search bar is your friend there nub. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-discussion/39244-halo-3-recon-new-game-coming-2009-a.html