I know the question have been brought up many times, but no answers have covered my needs yet. I know how to geo-merge. But it seems like when I'm trying to geo-merge something deep into the ground, in this case double and single boxes, they constantly jump around instead of calmly sliding down into the ground. I need the boxes to be 4 flat walls high so that they are jumpable, and I felt I've tried every possible way now, hence me questioning how to do it.
use teleporter and lay them along the side... then put ur cusor directly in the middle of the box... grab the box as quickly as possible press start then save changes.... (still holding the box) then end game when u start it back up it should be perfectly straight... sometimes it ventures a little out of the tele. but it is ALWAYS straight... its the most effective method...
ahhh... you have to use the very first method for geo mrging. go look in forging 101 about this type of thing. you gave to use the box pushing/save and quit method for this to work