i think my favorite part is everyone running around fighting while Brick stands in the center screaming while holding the grenade aimlessly.
You know i had thought i was burned out on this entire movie. I guess not, because i just lol'd a lot. such a quotable movie.
"Brick, I thought you said this was a shortcut" "Fantastic" "Well is this a short cut or not?" "Ok!" "Yeah, well where'd you get those clothes, the toilet store?" And then there's the part where he's introducing himself, anyone notice how he puts mayo on the bread and then sticks in in the toaster? LOL!
Is it now But yes this is one comedy movie that sets precedents as if it were Renegade! (oh jaa! TDHarding joo love my posts so much right now dontcha?!)
oh so classic. this would have been a good movie but that scene pushed it over the top to greatness. I love the random weapons... a gardening digger thing... whatever that's called.
did you see the mace some guy was holding while Will Ferrel was stating the rules? it was all gold and spiky lol it was hilarious.