Congrats, I've been waiting for an aesthetic map to get featured. I've noticed this one on sigs and all over the forums. It's a great map, and it's good that not only is it a giant robot, it also can be used for gameplay. I like how the legs shoot you up to the shoulders too, extras are always good.
Uhh? wow, i didnt expect an aesthetic map to get a feature always thought that the next one would be competitive havent seen to many of those out lately. anyway great aesthetics but i dont think this is very feature worthy in my eyes. Sorry :'[.
That tail is really unusual. It kind of reminds me of a tadpolls tail! Actually transformers dont usually have tails so it seams out of place but the giant robot is still cool and im glad you can go inside it.:shiver:
this is epic, great job jay linubidix ubdisputed hawk slayerIII and sg victory, you guys pulled it off.A giant playable robot... wow... but woudn't it be a little wierd and akward when your defending to see this facing you when you spawn?
I knew this was a good from the start (see my original thread cooment) but I was really suprised about the feature. I agree there have been a lack in aesthetic and for me, this is the best at the moment. I know that it took a lot of time for you too. Anyway, congrats again guys.
Paulie, you're from New York. You dun get to say "mate", lol. lolwut? My name isnt even mentioned in the post, what'd give you the impression I co-created it. I did place like 2 boxes and I helped motivate JAY with the final touches.
Sweet! I hope ForgeHub continues to feature maps that aren't just competitive maps. I like seeing variety in the featured maps section. Anyways, congrats to the creators. This map looks awesome.
wow. i just knew that this map would get featured....what you dont believe me? just look at the original thread you'll see. anyway congrats on the feature and dont worry, i'm never gonna delete this map from my collection
I wrote this three weeks ago and I was right, this is FEATURED! This map is just amazing, I knew I had seen it somewhere once I saw the first photo. It is one of the best maps on Avalanche aesthetically and tops all the Standoff versions of it's transformers. I have to say, I have true respect for the makers because of all he time it must have taken to make and the fact that the transformer is built with some serious angled interlocking. It also looks like it's built for some exciting game play. 5/5, great job and maybe one day you guys will get together again and make another great map.
ha ha i knew this would get featured the day i saw it, i never thought about using overshields as the eyes ill give 2 ratings ORIGINALLITY: 4.99/5 ASTHETICS: 5/5
Wow the transformer robot thing looks sweet, its even more amazing that you can go inside and you can actually play on it.
Robots in disguise! Totally awesome! I saw this when it got posted and it looks awesome still. Gratz on feature!
Good map great idead good game play but to be honest anyone of us could have built this in 4 hours of free time i like the map i just dont think it should have gotten featured sorry it just takes away from the people who spent weeks geting there map's just right