well is has become pretty obvious now that if you get it, you're going to be hacked... i forsee people either turning it down from bungie, or bungie themselves can stop the hacking by giving recon to everyone... but that would be like negotiating with terrorists... who knows..
I think if you can kill someone with a street cone on accident with a sniper, then you are worthy of recon.......
DigitalPh33r got recon for his arby and the chief thing. The cone guy because it made bungie laugh (a second cone is not going to make them laugh again, same with sniper suicide) Lintendo got it for great wall and the person who buys the mister chief painting is going to get it. Thats all I can think of for now though.
I didn't think about that..... of course, then more people would bid because then they would pretty much just be bidding for Recon. I don't think that will happen.
Ok im going to bet you right now that the winner of the that valentines tourny thing is gonna get recon....That would be logical as they did say there would be prizes...what else could they give away? If you dont know about the tourny check bungie.net
I still dont get why anyone still wants it with all this hacking going on... Also, i hope to god the person who bought the painting did not buy it JUST for recon... if i had the cash to throw away I would have bought it for the memorabilia aspect of it and told them to keep recon, i dont want to get hacked.
The clear answer to this Question is in Titmar's response. Who should haz Recon? anyone who wants their xbox Live acct jacked and their credit card information stolen.
With the amount of money that was laid out for that goofy painting (even though it went to a good cause), you could have comissioned someone to build you a damn recon helmet to sit in your underwear and play Halo 3 in.
people are going to talk about this and cry about this for years until bungie gives it to everyone and then it wont be special anymore. personally i think they should ****ing delete recon from the whole game and not use it themselves either, just have it all completely gone from existence. thats what you all get for being babies about it
I really don't think that people should have recon except for Bungie since everybody is getting hacked for it.