This is a very nice map. Some of the stairs look a little uneven but as long as gameplay works that probably doesn't matter. Some of the jumps look a little time consuming to make but I'm sure adding in some ramps or something in the v2 will be nice. But regardless this is an incredible map. 5/5
The structure is very creative and the base is good but could be a little bit bigger. Other than that, great map. Your map also has aesthetics that are quite good. Gameplay looks okay. Keep forging dude.
OMFG this map rocks i just played it with team slayer outstanding work dude just outstanding but a friend of mine got out of your map on accident.
Map: Exalted by Inferior Pigeon and OwlWolf First Thoughts: Wow! Let me say it again, WOW! Inferior and Owl you completely blew my mind when I first saw this. The aesthetics and structures, the way the gameplay was run, just everything! I had a blast testing this and I am glad you finally posted it because I have been in a state of eager anticipation for this release. Well since this pretty much goes under first thoughts, the post is magnificent! You put much time in carefully planning this and it looks amazing! Great images, descriptions, etc. Gameplay: 10/10 Explanation: This map has outstanding and unique gameplay. The outstanding gameplay fused with the great aesthetics makes this map incredible. The unique bases and shape of this map makes a maneuverable and very playable map. The weapon placement on this map is also superb. Everything was placed nicely in the way that many items’ placement effect gameplay to the maximum extent of how it could be affected. What also stood out to me was the utilization of the Asymmetric and Symmetric item options. Nowadays, I do not see too much of that being used and I thought it was pretty awesome to have that incorporated in this kind of map. I want to spend a little more time elaborating on the bases though. The bases are probably the neatest thing on this map. It is like they took aesthetics and playability and “interlocked” them. The fence wall pit in the Red Base was incredible! It is definitely one of my favorite things on this map! The Yellow base looks to be constructed that it would be a hard place to attack as well as defend. The whole idea of a neutral base was also pretty amazing. Most of the gameplay happens over there so it was important that you made that base unique and playable, which you did. My overall score on the gameplay of this map is definetly a 10/10. I know that seems high but this map really deserves it. It is absolutely incredible and I was honored to be one of the first to play on it. Weapons and Spawns: 9.5/10 Explanation: Spawns could not have been more perfect. Placed pretty precisely and neatly, they are a major contribution to the fairness of the gameplay of this map. In objective based games, the spawns were not too close to the opposing base but not too far at the same time. There was really not much to be improved in that portion of the map. I give you a 10/10 on the spawns. The weapons, though, were not entirely the favorite part of this map. They were placed effectively and were not too biased to one side. Overall I LOVE the weapons but the two shotguns is the only thing I do not like. It becomes too much of a power weapon on this kind of map which makes it “un-fun” to play on at some points. I am pleased to see that it is 180 seconds respawn and no spare clips but I definitely think that you could replace them with mauler or just delete one and just place the other in another spot. Other than that, the weapons are amazing. Great respawn times, placement, everything! I will give you a 9/10 on the weapons which averages out to a 9.5! Aesthetics: 10/10 Explanation: The way that you fused Aesthetics and Gameplay overwhelms me. Before I saw this map, I knew of few who could actually pull it off. You had some great and unique structures in the map which add loads of fun. Although not wacky and crazy as some of the maps I have seen (*cough* Façade *cough*), the structures in yours were built nicely for the gameplay that goes on on that map. Once again, I say that the fence wall pit in the red base is my favorite Aesthetic feature of this map. The center tower was pretty amazing. I loved how you had a little step thing that enabled you to jump around the map a little easier. Your interlocking and geo-merging could honestly not been better. I saw no , tilts, bumps or anything. You score a ten on my Aesthetics! Overall Score: 9.7/10 Final Comments: Once again, I would like to say thank you for creating such an amazing map! I loved most every aspect of it! I cannot wait to see more from you guys in the future. You really make a great team! I also cannot wait til this map get’s featured. I know I may be sorta “jumping” to conclusions but this map deserves it. It was my pleasure to help you test it and great job! I LOVED it! Happy Forging! -Th Kn1ght
Okay guys, the map has been updated now to include terrirtory games. If you wish to play territories on this map, and have already downloaded it previously, you will need to re-download it to play. And thank you all for your comments and reviews and plays!!! *th knight, you are added into the special thanks section for your review. =]
You forgot me in the thanks, I've already told you what I have thought of the map in an earlier post. But once again this is great map, the gameplay shines here. Everyone download now.
As promised, here is my review: Enjoyment: My games that I played were 1 flag and 1 bomb and my party begged to play some Team Slayer on it so I did. I found the weapon set was pretty balenced and there was never a point during the game where it became a drag. I enjoyed 1 flag the most with TS and 1 bomb following closely behind. I believe every body in the party enjoyed all of the games and this is the type of map that deserves to stay on your hard drive. My only complaint would be lack of spawn areas. I remember spawning in the same place multiple times and spawning right behind and in front of my opponents. However with the layout, that could easily be fixed with some adjustmants with the spawn areas. I give enjoyment an 8/10. Balence: I found the weapons to be very well suited for the map and I had no real problems with it. Again, the only problem would be the spawns. In the back corner of the map, there is a spawn trap that I descovered that my team took advantage of during Team slayer and one bomb. To fix this a simple adjustmant of a spawn area could perfect the balence. This spawn trap resulted in an almost complete dominantation of the shotgun. That is the only flaw so I again give the map an 8/10 in the balence category. Durability: With the compactness of the map I don't think there is any chance of escaping the map. I did look around though and I didn't see anywhere that you sould break the map. Congrats on your 10/10! Aesthletics: I found wonderful extras and cool interlocking dezigns that really made this map great. I loved your octegon tower in the back and I found that your interlocking and geomerging was as close to perfect as it could be. It looked great and played great on all of our games on it. However a 10/10 in aestletics is nearly impossable in any competitve map and a fair raiting would be 8.5/10 Origonality: It is very origonal gameplay and aesthletic wise. The compact U shape of the map is unique and the multifloors and the layout give the map its own feel. I honestly can say it is unlike another map I have played on I give you a 9/10 Overall: It all evens out to 8.7 which is very good. A job well done. The only flaw is the spawns and they could easily be fixed with some adjustmants with spawn areas. I could evan do it for you if you like. Until then, great job!
Oh my god. you finally released it!!! I actually remember you joined my game while I was forging my map and you wanted to show me yours. damn, it came a long way. I have to Download this map right now. this deserves a damn feature
I didn't know this was posted! I play-tested it with Inferior Pigeon! (add me to credits?) The gameplay was really fun and my favorite gametype was probably 1-flag capture the flag. When we looked around in Forge after the matches, the tower in the middle looks amazing and was my favorite camping spot in the map. The map was very durable and we couldn't figure a way out of the map after testing, but the spawns were a little iffy. I was spawn killed a few times from the sniper tower thing on the side, to the room by the tele-doors. I'm pretty sure Pigeon fixed that though. Great job on the map and I hope you guys make another map together!
Hey guys, a little update for you. sdrakulich had made a video for all of our viewing pleasure! Check it out, it's pretty awesome! By the way the song is Never Take Friendship Personal by Anberlin.
I played this map in a few tests with pigeon before it's release. I must say the gameplay was pretty decent overall, though I did love to camp that teledoor lulz. Vorpal owned a bit too much but other than that gameplay was awesome lol. Map is very well forged overall. This is great work by both pigeon and owl, and definitely worth your guys DL. Check it out.
My shotguns better LALW thats epic... ne who... the map looks really nice i like the circle thing and i like the red base those r both cool... overall the map looks pretty fricken nice... the interlocknig and geo merging was pretty straight as far as i can see and the map seemed to flow well i gotta give it to u this is pretty nice... to bad u didnt include a lolrus w/ a bucket then i would rate 6/5 but u only gets 5/5 0__o srrah
haha I made the vid, I ran inside, while listening who has shotgun, and BLAM...later you see him getting shottied also (nightfire was on my team I believe....) I really loved playing this map for the vid, although I do terrible, so I have to put two clips of me doing awesome...lmao..
This map is beautiful. The interlocking is done very well. So is the geo-merging (that one box i see, lol). I really like your use of signs on this map, and other objects. One original thing you did with a sign, that I like, is where you made a small "ramp(located at the nuetral base). I also like the use of dumpsters. From that foundry desgner image, I see, that the layout is very good, and it looks like it makes promissing gameplay. All in all I think this a very well-done map.
I think everything amazing has been said already, so theres no need to repeat anything, anyway I ****IN LUV THIS MAP LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
[FONT="]To start off my review will include what I like, don’t like, suggestions, elaboration for suggestions and the maps rating. I had a lot of fun playing on exalted! What I like:[/FONT] ·[FONT="]Good layout of structures/buildings.[/FONT] ·[FONT="]Balance weapon set.[/FONT] ·[FONT="]Map is visually pleasing.[/FONT] ·[FONT="]Well thought out.[/FONT] [FONT="]What I do not like.[/FONT] ·[FONT="]Easy to control.[/FONT] [FONT="]Minor imperfections.[/FONT] ·[FONT="]No visual imperfections found during my play test.[/FONT] [FONT="] For starters it’s a huge plus when you see a map is well planned out from the beginning. Organization is very useful when you want to save time making something. The aesthetics of Exalted are very pleasing leaving nothing else to desire. In Exalted there is no out of balance weapons.[/FONT] [FONT="] The only thing I do not like is how easy the map is to control. Exalted reminds me a lot of the default foundry in the respect of U shapes. Being a U shape map means the focus will be to control the neutral base and the shortcut through the middle of the map. Which means the opposing team’s goal is to push the opposing team back into their base. Kill the team and take their objective. [/FONT] [FONT="] If you have any questions or need me to clarify anything. Please feel free to PM or message me via XBL. Below you will find a break-down of your maps score and my rating system. Below the rating is a breakdown of what my ratings total number means. If you continue to improve your map with major changes and would like my opinion on the new version. I will more than happily sign up to test out your map. My rating system is ever changing. Do you have any great ideas? PM me and let me know! Your score:[/FONT] [FONT="]Fun factor: 7/10[/FONT] [FONT="] Balance: 7/10[/FONT] [FONT="]Visuals: 5/5[/FONT] [FONT="]Map Ingenuity: 3/5[/FONT] [FONT="]Map Dynamics: 3/5[/FONT] [FONT="]Map Playability: 4/5[/FONT] [FONT="]Bonus points 5/10[/FONT] [FONT="]Score total: 34/50[/FONT] [FONT="] Score break down. [/FONT][FONT="] 1-9 Map needs major reworking. Including but not limited to: gameplay, aesthetics, balance, dynamics, and originality. 10-19Map needs moderate work. 20-29Map needs some work. 30-39 Map needs to be tweaked. 40-44 Crazy good map. I get lost in your world. 45-49 Superb map. 50 Perfection. Aesthetically pleasing, gameplay is dynamic, crazy good time playing it, weapons, POI, MP, LOS are all great[/FONT]