SPLICEv2 It's back again, but WAY better than the first one...when i first made it i bearly even know how to interlock and didn't even know how to geomerge, but know that i do...i decided to remake it! It turned out really good in my opinion, but yet that is all up to you... Weapons: 6 x Battle Rifles 2 x Carbines 1 x Shotgun 2 x Sniper Rifles Gametypes: MLG Team Slayer Flag (Multi and/or One) Ball Players: 2v2 3v3 4v4 Pictures: Defenders Base- Attackers Base- Green Side- Yellow Side- Middle- Upper Middle- Download: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=55238576 Enjoy
I did not see the first one, but based on your description I can surely tell that v2 is much better. There are still some minor flaws that can be fixed, though. Also, I suggest replacing a few of the corner walls throughout the map with geo-merged single boxes. Until a possible v3, I give this an overall grade of a B+.
Well thank you...yeah i made this a couple months back and i know now that those corner walls are the best...but i will most likely be making a V3...thank you for your input
very nice map, didnt see v1 but this is fair enough nice cleancut geomerges and interlocks, very smooth feeling to the map gameplay may quiver due to the fact you chan shoot intot he enemy base when you spawn and or are in your base
hey ur center peice was awesome but sadly that is the only good part as i can see with the pics tho i may be wrong but u should add stuff outside of the centerpiece and put time into the outer area of the center piece, that would make it so much better umm 3/5 rating
This map is very unique and is very original, Im just afraid that the middle is going to be used the most for slayer but im sure in CTF people would sneak around. good job on interlocking this map gets a 7.85/10
weapons look really nice interlocking is straight... layout seems good... add more pics spec. action onz... um we need to understand the layout bttr ask some1 to make u a vid... um... ya this looks pretty good mayb straighten it up a bit other than that its nice... 4.5/5