Galaxy U-7i created by DieHardAssassin Game Type: The End Supports 16 players Recommended: 6-8 Players For more than 8 players, change either the Human speed to 50% or give the Zombie a better weapon. Initial Zombie Count: 1 Number of Rounds:10 Next Zombie: Random Humans: Magnum 2x Frag Grenade Gravity: 200% Speed: 75% Can do no damage to Zombie 1 Life Zombie: Plasma Pistol Spartan Laser Damage: Instant Kill Infinite Ammo Appearance: Good Camo, Black Damage Resistance: 2000% Your goal as the Human is to make it across the map, use teamwork, grab the custom power up, and kill the zombie. Custom Power up allows you to kill the Zombie. Your goal as the Zombie is to stop all Humans from making it to you. On this map there are 3 wire spools that humans may use for cover as they advance towards the zombie. The zombie will do everything in their power to kill you and your teammates. If/when you make it across to the Zombie's side, grab the power up, and kill it, either by shooting it, or using a nice grenade. Some Action Pictures Overview On the Way to the Zombie Cant Hide from a lazer Human's point of view Get the Power uP! Grenade to kill the Zombie Download Game Type : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Download Map
Very original idea, and layout is pretty good to I can immagine how fun this map would be because you would shoot the wire spool and it would fly all over the place and maybe splatter somone, that would be pretty cool Good Job with this map, btw good job with interlockiing 5/5 for idea Edit: Please dont spam up threads, please read the rules on spam, you can only do this in offtopic threads
hmmm this is very similar to duckhunt, but this has a laser which is not good. The most that these games will last will be 10 seconds, because the laser guy will have to charge his laser alot.
this is very good but you would need to make it so that 50% of people are zombies because of the charging lasers and everything
this is by far one of the most organized mini games i have ever played, and i enjoyed playing it in your party. my only concern is that one time when i was playing with you guys and i was the last man, one of the zombies somehow got out of the map and i couldn't kill them so i hope that you fixed that, and if not then thats something you should look out for.
Very original and very well built (like his only one lol) i love playing this minigame. Did you fix the zombie getting out of his play pen? Becuase its hard to tell. If you didn't i would suggest fixing that. Diehard is the master of making the most fun and original ideas for minigames even if the map sucks and the game it's fun when he's there running around trying to byte chya. I look forward to you new and original ideas as well as your other ones to be posted to. EDIT: Darkmaster you beat me to posting about the zombie getting out you must have poted that like 1 min before me.
lolololololololololololololol purple bunker spinoff.......... looks pretty good, neat, but not origional this is the same idea and gamemechanics as pb by blood yes i know splazer, yes i know differentbunker, but same idea. try to be more origional
thats a really good idea... maybe tilt the area upward so he can see better make longer and give like shorter coverage so they have to split up more... or like a window pannel... that should do... or low interlocked walls this is good make a v.2 looks fun kinda like duck hunt... nice keep forging
DieHardAssassin has made a great mini game that is fun and very fast, making it a perfect addition to a long line-up of custom games, especially in between those longer casual infection games. It's a fun change from all those duck hunt type maps that these sites have been flooded with lately.
This is similar to duck hunt, but original enough. It seems like if you had any more than 2 humans, they would easily reach the powerup if they all charged, because the laser would not have enough time to charge up for every human, and that is if he hits them every time. But is it instant kill with the plasma pistol? (even though i dont think you can do that, and what would be the point of the laser.) the laser is an instant kill anyway... it seems you might have some bugs to work out.
This map gives forces you to whisper silently,"I wish I woulda thought of that". One question: May you perhaps hence the intriguing title? Anyway, I'm sure if this gets enough hits it will become a CG monster. 9/10
only one flaw that i can see, if everyone rushes and the zombie has a lazer then he cant kill all of them. too slow reload time. anyway good map just a very unoriginal game.
This map has almost no similarities to Purple Bunker except they're both a rush to one area. It's actually quite original. How is this map unoriginal? Care to elaborate that statement? Anyway, this is very similar to those run across wall duck hunt maps but the idea is expanded upon and made so it's much more entertaining. When I played it with you I was the only one who ever used the Splazer which was surprising since it was a very dominant weapon when people were behind those wire spools. This map is definitely worth a try!
Thank you, people rate stuff before they even try it. I dont understand how it can be purple bunker if there is no purple/needler involved... i guess i just think differentley
I'm very confused right now. I've seen three posts in three completely different mini-game maps, all claiming that they are a ripoff of Duck Hunt. And none of them have been, which makes things even more confusing. What the hell is going on? As for the map, I like the idea, but I must agree that it doesn't look like games would last long if the zombie uses the splaser too frequently. Then again, with instant kills on, they have no reason to use it instead of the plasma pistol.