If you want to get in the covernant phantom,Then folow these steps: 1:start the covernent at rally point alpha 2:fly to a ledge 3:skyjack yourself a banchy(how ever you spell banchy) 4:fly into the phantom(not with hornet) 5:get out and you should be in(might take a few trys) If you folow these steps corectly,then you can spread the word.
you can also get it the one that comes in really close on crows nest. get a deployable cover. jump on the yellow thing, deploy the cover on the yellow thing then jump back on th yellow thing and on the deployable cover. then u can jump into the phantom, ride/stand in it. its hard to explain on FH i would have to show u.
I know,but I was talking about the phantoms on the covernent.look at my file share if you dont belive me.my user name is luke305.
I didn't even know you could hijack a banshee. I would always ground one with a plasma pistol then get it stuck so he wouldn't fly away but I could never hijack it. But then again this is before I went for the first tower to it could have changed later in the level.
I see what you are trying to say but I think you are confused at what I mean. I mean after taking out the AA wraith I would ground a banshee temporarily and then blow it in a spot where it couldn't fly away. However, the option to hijack never presented itself.
I got into the Phantom really easily ages ago. I saw the elites around the Phantom so I thought that maybe I was meant to be getting on, I jumped on and the thing flew off! It carried me to a check point then it started to fade away and disappear. I fell to my death but respawned at the last check point, inside the Phantom!