Halo 3: Recon will be a standalone, includes new multiplayer mapsby James Ransom-Wiley Oct 9th 2008 3:27PM Though clearly visible in the corner of the Halo 3: Recon announcement yesterday, Microsoft has made sure to clarify that the "Hell Jumpers" campaign will be released as a standalone product next year (no confirmation of a downloadable version just yet). Halo 3: Recon will not require the Halo 3 game disc and, in fact, seems to include all of the multiplayer components of the original Halo 3, in addition to new maps and Forge options. Recon will also support Saved Films, screenshots, Campaign Scoring, and 4-player co-op. The game is scheduled for release in fall 2009. Update: Bungie's Luke Smith clarifies that Recon is a "Bungie-made Halo game." In other words, no, it will not be third-person or feature gameplay uncharacteristic of past entries in the series..Source site found here
usually i love reading your finds, but this has been posted over and over and over in all the different forum sections. We've already got an official thread for the talk of this, so can someone please lock this?
well he did something different then everyone else. We actually get info lol and we have a picture of the game Nice post Rey
if you read beyond the first post in the main thread, all of this is posted, including the picture. theres no need for another thread on it.
I am extremely excited for this. The term "new forge options" has me all jumpy. But, this should be posted in Halo Discussion, not to mention all the other times it's been posted. Including the official one.
wow ive probably said this like 200 times in the past 2 months, if it comes out as dload content on xbl it would take forever to dload, and if it does it may be worth more to get it at the store. no offence to you reynbow, that does look like a pretty convincing box though. i hope a soundtrack comes out for recon the song on the trailer sounds amazing!
Silenceisbroken there is no need to argue something so pointless to argue about I think Rey's posts are better any ways.
Go smoke a fat one while you wait then. I wonder if we can jump between the original halo 3 and recon.