Darth vader, falco from starfox, link, master chief, and marcus phoenix. and of course, duke nukem. "its time to kick ass and chew bubble gum... but im all out of gum."
Dr. Robotnik. That guy has infinite rescourses, countless legions of highly advanced robots, is one hell of a pilot (how many machines has he piloted?) and has survived exploding hundreds of times, and still seems to have trouble taking over the world. With so much at his disposal, how the hell can anyone, let alone one hedgehog, be able to stop him. I seriously cannot understand how he fails every time! You have to admire this guy. He never gets tired of failing.
Like e93 said this thread has been done here, try searching before you make a thread next time ok i might as well tell you my favourite character. Why dante of course. Hes been in my avatar for so long (yes everyone thats not me) Hes a cool guy and has an endless supply of one liners, some funny and some just awesome. Hes a really cool guy and ive played with him for a long time so i salut you dante.