Forging Bases Basics

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by jjbrich, Feb 19, 2008.

  1. jjbrich

    jjbrich Ancient
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    Hey guys im working on a two base symetrical map. You can enter the bases through two passages via enclosed staircase or ramp-way. Now i've made a pretty good battleground between them but I just was wondering if it's a good idea to make some sort of way for people to shoot out of the base while in the base? Not necessarily a window but maybe some sort of elevated watchtower or something? I know most people would say "Why not?" but my concern is people camping bases... Should I force them to fight on the field and use the bases as a retreat or allow them to shoot from the bases too?
  2. Re: Forging Bases

    Well I think I might be able to help you but you have to answer some questions first.
    • How big is the field?
    • What kind of gametype is played on this map?
    • Do you want snipers on the map?
  3. jjbrich

    jjbrich Ancient
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    Re: Forging Bases

    Its a little less than half of foundry (perfectly rectangular)
    I'm looking to put CTF & Slayer into it... possibly VIP
    Not really, but it's hard to understand, in the field theres a center you can get on and transport up to a walkway where you can jump to cages on the roof of the place, which is where i was going to have a rocket launcher drop 90s into the game.

    Should I hide a sniper rifle somewhere?

    Anyway... I'm starting to turn towards a turret on the roof of the bases?

    Idk... this maps a REALLLLLLLLLLYYYYY good layout, which is why im taking such time in the smallest detail.

    ah and while im thinking of it what do you think of the name (Hecatomb) its a synonym for Destruction
  4. Re: Forging Bases

    Don't hide the sniper it is never fun to search for it and then get killed. If you want snipers then place them near areas with good view points. If you want a watchtower then their has to be some sort of scoped weapon in it. What you COULD do is make a small bunker in the middle of the base(you can use the merging object method) And make a small opening with a turret in it. This way it is like a small bunker and it makes it hard for the attacking team to get in without taking out the turret.
  5. jjbrich

    jjbrich Ancient
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    Re: Forging Bases

    I'm not loving the idea of bunkers. I did this once in a map I created called the pentagon, I could cage in a turret on top of the base or somewhere above the base i.e. making it possible to hold your base and not feel like your waiting on a suprise. I could do a watch tower, I might do a watch tower, we'll see...

    Im between the two, mainly because Hecatomb is a close quarters map. The idea of a sniper floating around a closed in battlefield just seems too off, but then again like I said i'm not sure.

    Btw what do you guys think of the name [Hecatomb] ? lol it's a synonym for destruction, and means "Great Slaughter"
  6. Klip LK

    Klip LK Ancient
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    Re: Forging Bases

    I like the idea for a watch tower, you should try to make two for both bases (One on each side) if you have enough money. Camping really won't be a problem if you have a secure way to get to your own tower, because it makes it easier to kill campers and people really won't feel the need for it.

    Sorry if I am not being clear enough!
  7. jjbrich

    jjbrich Ancient
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    Re: Forging Bases

    Yeah I'm not really liking watch towers mainly because its not a large map, you can throw a nade from end to end. So sniping would ruin it, at least I think so. I might throw out a sniper rifle somewhere in the middle.

    Lets see.... new topic...

    The basic's of Bases

    anybody have any thoughts?
  8. XfX Catastrophe

    XfX Catastrophe Ancient
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    If its THAT small then don't have a watch tower. Maybe have a central bunker/tower that you have to capture. It seems like what we are saying you dont like so you need to figure out what you want.
  9. jjbrich

    jjbrich Ancient
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    It's not that I don't like you guy's ideas, it's just that everything you've said i've tried (except for bunkers) and they dont work out.

    The map is 7 boxes wide and runs the length of foundry sideways. In other words from window to wall in the very back of the map.

    Theres a central "tower" I guess you could call it but it's not exactly a tower. Now with the current vantage points that the bases have you can't really get a shot at the other base except for when your wide out in the open.

    What I would like to do is make like a small second level to the bases with windows, turret, and grenades. Hows that sound?
  10. HPssauce

    HPssauce Ancient
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    theres a few things you could do to discourage campin-
    1. make some of the walls of the base out of caging so enemies from outside can shoot inside at any campers who are busy making sandwich's
    2. have a shoot/flew/ or a gap in the watch tower base where someone could deploy a grav lift to massacre all the munching buggers inside
    3. teleportes (simple enough) although sounds to small for your map

    Another note- bunker/watch tower - ok sounds good but high ground already has a perfect example of this- u could borrow some of the geometry from the map and put it into yours. I havnt looked at your map specs yet, but if the map is big enough do a proper base with a watch tower, possible bunkers and a gate made from double blocks and shield doors where a garaged warthog could fly out. As I said this is off the top of my head so if its too small dont bother. hope this helps...
  11. jjbrich

    jjbrich Ancient
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    Yeah I personally think its too small for watch towers and I just hate the idea of bunkers on this map for some reason. The bases are elevated to begin with, theres an enclosed staircase is the first entrance and a rampway is the second entrance for both bases. everything is perfectly symetrical as well...
    Im not too worried about camping, I just would like to utilize the bases... Like I said before i'm fairly certain that I am going to make some sort of cage with a turret inside of it ontop of either base.
  12. XfX Catastrophe

    XfX Catastrophe Ancient
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    Honestly, there is no way to stop people from camping. Any place where two objects meet, people will camp. I understand that you want the bases to be utilized but they will be camped no matter what so stop trying to control that. It is IMPOSSIBLE unless you make everything out of fence walls, fence boxes, and other see-through objects.
  13. jjbrich

    jjbrich Ancient
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    Yeah but I'm not so much worried about campers as I am about utilizing bases like I said before. I tried out watch towers, grav lifts, fence walls, but I think I liked creating some sort of cage you can get into and use a turret that inside of it. That way you have a way of slightly utilizing the base, yet the turret user can be killed. See what i'm getting at?

    I just want the bases to be USED not just a starting point. Even if people barley will use them I want there to be a purpose to having a base I.E. shoot from it.
  14. XfX Catastrophe

    XfX Catastrophe Ancient
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    I see... alright well here is an idea. make a small second story(more of a roof) and place about 3 rooms up there. The middle room has the caged turrent and the other rooms have windows with br's next to them. Also, keep all the weapons in the base and try not to have a shotgun or mauler.
  15. HPssauce

    HPssauce Ancient
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    so im right in thinking the base looks something like this-
    (side view)
    I_ _I
    I I
    I I
    I I______
    I I

    (forgive my terrible drawing, I felt creative) So basically a tower structre built on top of a cuboid like base?
  16. XfX Catastrophe

    XfX Catastrophe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Its more like directly on top of the first floor.
    ____ ___
    I I

    From the front view
  17. Klip LK

    Klip LK Ancient
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    post a beta of your map so we can see what would go best :p
  18. jjbrich

    jjbrich Ancient
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    Yeah I like that idea... Thats the one I was looking for!!! lol

    but no HPssauce not at all

    You cant really make a print of the map out of symbols... It's a really well though out map though, you start out in your base and can go left or right... Now it also depends on which base you are in but lets say you are in the one with the wall with the windows to outside of foundry.... If you start and take a right inside of your base you'll end up going down an enclosed staircase leading to the bottom left of the map. If you take a left inside of your base you'll end up in an open ramp-way leading to the bottom right of the map. At least the center of the map. Its really hard to explain this place to you guys because I've never seen it used.... sorry =/

    EDIT: Where and how can I post a beta?
  19. Klip LK

    Klip LK Ancient
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    Post your mp on and give us the link.
    If you don't know how to do that then you are lost :p
  20. HPssauce

    HPssauce Ancient
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    lol, what can i say- im taking A-level art :), yeah a shot would be helpful- so basically (to sum up) u want two bases overlooking a no mans land- both of these bases should not be too camping orientated - no bunkers and a part of the base (possibly watch tower) needs to have a machine gun turret positioned within an enclosement. if you want your bases to be used, it sounds as tho the map is small already so dont worry (if not use a game type i.e ctf or bomb) but to sound frank, it sounds as tho u have your specs so what do u need now?

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