[FONT="]InferiorPigeon and OwlWolf [/FONT] [FONT="]Present: [/FONT] [FONT="][/FONT] Download Exalted [FONT="]*WARNING: MAY CONTAIN LANGUAGE NOT SUITABLE FOR A FEEBLE MIND*[/FONT] [FONT="]=P[/FONT] [FONT="]Table of Contents:[/FONT] [aname=Video][FONT="]Video by: sdrakulich[/FONT][/aname] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5sLRTKefuA [aname=Back-Story][FONT="]Back-Story:[/FONT][/aname] [FONT="]This olden structure was once a shrine held in the highest honor of Ethoxia’s people and is now abandoned and devoid of life. Archaeologists rediscovered this relic and were astounded from its sheer height. High above everything stands a circular tower with azure colored flames circling it. A walkway spans the space around the tower leading from one formation to the next. The researchers found a fascinating substance that if touched caused the individual to blend in with the surrounding area. However during certain times in the year another appealing essence materialized granting super-human strength to the personage holding it. Teams of researchers have been sent to investigate these ruins further.[/FONT] [aname=Origin][FONT="]Origin:[/FONT][/aname] [FONT="]Exalted was made with asymmetrical gametypes in mind. Back in July of 2008 I showed InferiorPigeon a base design I had made in the middle of Foundry. It's safe to say that he instantly had a million and one ideas rush through his head, and asked if I wanted to make a collaborative map. Thus Exalted was born. We had to remake and move my original base design, but this allowed us to shift it to its present location: where Yellow Base is now. [/FONT] [FONT="]After countless hours of starting new rounds, fixing what we screwed up with the budget glitch, and perfecting the geomerging, we finished what we thought to believe the final product. We submitted Exalted to be tested, and tested it was. Some of the finest members of the [/FONT]Testers Guild [FONT="]helped test Exalted to the extreme. We fixed all the little problems the Guild found, luckily for us there were not that many, and submitted it for testing again. After that test, this is what the final version became.[/FONT] [aname=Overview][FONT="]Overview:[/FONT][/aname] [FONT="]Recommended Players: 2-8[/FONT] [FONT="]My preference: 6[/FONT] [FONT="]Exalted is, in a sense, asymmetrically symmetric. Weapons on both sides are the same, and layout is roughly the same, however, there is a very noticeable difference in the two. There are three bases, and the two starting bases have 2 BRs each. The Neutral Base has 3 Carbines. There are 2 Shotguns on the far ends of both sides. There is one Sniper Rifle leaning against the tower on the side nearest the Neutral Base. If you consider the Needler to be a power weapon, it is in the tunnel under the Neutral Base. Active Camo spawns only in Symmetric games, such as 2 Flag, or Slayer. However, during Asymmetrical games, it does not spawn. Instead an OverShield spawns in the same spot. Assault games switches things up a bit, by switching the attacking and defending base. The layout is easy to understand, starting from one base is a catwalk that leads to the neutral base, then continues into the other base. Or, you can traverse the floor and make your way into whatever base you want.[/FONT] [FONT="]Here is a rough layout I made using Foundry Designer:[/FONT] [FONT="][/FONT] [aname=Weapons][FONT="]Weapons, Equipment, & Gametype Listing:[/FONT][/aname] [FONT="]Weapons:[/FONT] [FONT="]Battle Rifle x4 (30 seconds; 2 extra clips)[/FONT] [FONT="]Carbine x3 (30 seconds; 2 extra clips)[/FONT] [FONT="]Needler x1 (45 seconds; 2 extra clips)[/FONT] [FONT="]Plasma Pistol x1 (30 seconds; N/A)[/FONT] [FONT="]Shotgun x2 (180 seconds; 0 extra clips)[/FONT] [FONT="]SMG x4 (30 seconds; 2 extra clips)[/FONT] [FONT="]Sniper Rifle x1 (150 seconds; 1 extra clip)[/FONT] [FONT="]Equipment:[/FONT] [FONT="]Bubble Shield x2 (120 seconds; LOCATION DEPENDS ON SYMMETRY)[/FONT] [FONT="]Fragmentation Grenade x2 (10 seconds)[/FONT] [FONT="]Plasma Grenade x4 (20 seconds)[/FONT] [FONT="]Power Drain x2 (120 seconds; LOCATION DEPENDS ON SYMMETRY)[/FONT] [FONT="]Regenerator x1 (120 seconds)[/FONT] [FONT="]Gametypes: [/FONT][FONT="]ALL[/FONT] [aname=Screenshots][FONT="]Screenshots:[/FONT][/aname] [FONT="]Okay, thank you for reading that large wall of text. You did read it, right? Now here is what I’m sure you have been waiting to see. /me being conceited[/FONT] [FONT="]*note: all captions will be ABOVE the screens.*[/FONT] [FONT="]Overview[/FONT] [FONT="][/FONT] [FONT="]Neutral Base[/FONT] [FONT="][/FONT] [FONT="]Yellow Base[/FONT] [FONT="][/FONT] [FONT="]Red Base[/FONT] [FONT="][/FONT] [FONT="]Tunnel under Neutral Base[/FONT] [FONT="][/FONT] [FONT="][aname=Action]Action-shots:[/aname][/FONT] [FONT="][/FONT] [FONT="][/FONT] [FONT="][/FONT] [FONT="][/FONT] [FONT="][/FONT] Thank you for viewing our new map, and make sure to rate and comment on Bungie! And remember if you give rep, make sure to give it to both OwlWolf, AND InferiorPigeon. =DD Also another big thanks to the Forge Hub Testers Guild and the following people: xX5w33ny70ddXx Nightfire33 xSharpshooter94 nikheizen! (Turbo Gerbil 604) Ch33s3yBoy (Savage Potato 77) eguitarplaya33 Th Kn1ght DeathToll77 AmericanPysco GD27BlueDevil sdrakulich Thanks for the video man! If I have forgotten you please let me know! Update 10-11-08 Updated map to include Territory games! If you wish to play territories you will need to re-download. Update 10-14-08 Updated thread with video from sdrakulich. Enjoy!
Inferiorpigeon, my brother by state, and OwlWolf, man that i've never played with. It is good to see that you guys have finally posted this map and with excellence. It was a load of fun helping you test this map and watch at sweeny broke your map in many different areas, very amusing. This map has a unique sort of figure 8 layout with some crazy interlocking and geomerging. This map is like a soul that has gone into heaven, but no so spiritually, more like the awesomeness of it. The weapon layout is superb and so is the equipment. I know my post will not be the longest because i'm terrible at writing, just terrible. However, take this post at heart and you will feel the greatness in it's complement on how awesome your map is. NICE! Go Carmel! Nightfire33
wow this map looks very neatly made. all of the interlocking looks very good too. and i like the design and shape of this map it makes it even cooler. im dl right now!
Wow this looks really good. great job on the interlocking. I really like the decorated tower in the middle. I think this is a great map for CTF. 4/5
This map must have taken forever. The map has an excellent layout, Especially with 3 bases. 5/5 +rep for both of you. I love the 3rd picture, The stairs and the boxes & bridges are a fantastic add to the map. dis map r epik winz. Great map you guys. I hope that you guys make much more maps like this in the future.
Very good map. It is uberly interlocks and you cant control the map with a heavy weapon which is faboo. It is small yet big, and the gameplay is sex. Great map
This awesome man. The tunnel seems like a creative way to bring close up action to your map. I also like the powerup things in the walls . Cool map. 5/5
This map looks simply outstanding! The interlocking looks amazing, the asthetics flawless, and I'll bet gameplay is even better. I will give this one a DL once my system is up and running and give a better review.
Hey, finally you got this map posted I have been waiting forever for you guys to post this. Im glad you guys finally fixed the spawning errors. That was the only problem in my opinion. A thing I wanted to add is that you could of got better pics to show what the map looked like better. The map looks way better than in the pics But other than that this map is full of great originality, I have never seen a map with this kind of layout. Also gameplay was incredibly just it was hard getting to one side of the map to the other without being seen. Edit: you forget me, i tested this map several of times
This map is truly forged well. It looks fun, entertaining, and creative. The only flaw, in my opinion, is the close range combat scenario. Certain power weapons will dominate this map due to the fact of the close quaters. Overall, I can rate this map a 3.5/5 : )
I must say, I played on this map and I absolutely love the map and the gameplay, especially CTF. It's just plane cool. 5/5
This map looks crazy! I wish I would have tested with you. Geomerging and interlocking is CRAZY. I'll review this map and give it back to you. Until then, 5/5!
This map is incredible! very nice work inferiorpigeon! the interlocking is amazing and the weapon layout looks just as well planned out and detailed. the neutral base adds a little more of a capturing territories feeling to it. the bases are so well designed and the enterpeice is like a cherry on top of whipped cream on top of a boston cream pie! (Mmmmmmm.......pie) this looks simply amazing and ill refer this to the featured list and hope for the common sense to kick in! cant wait to see this on the front page. 5/5
awesome sauce map dude i was happy to put in my input and help with this map . the interlocking is flawless and the aesthetics are awesome. The gameplay is also pretty awesome. the idea is great and it is exicuted with perfect, feature worth accuracy. Congrats and i hope that this map gets the recognition it deserves
Wow, thanks guys for all the comments! But as I just read Orbitals post, I realized that this wasn't set up for Territories! =O I will be updating the map tomorrow, so if you would like to re-download that is fine, however do not play on Territories, for it will not work. Again, me and OwlWolf thank you all for your support and criticism!
First I would like to say WOW!!!!! This map looks great! Normally I don't play competitive maps, but this looks worth while! Nice job using the Foundry Designer too. This map looks amazing 5/5!!!!!
I remember playing this map, and it was a lot of fun. the layout is great, and the interlocking and merging make it even better. The weapon layout is good, but the only thing i might suggest would be to either make 1 neutral shotgun or maybe change them to maulers. It seems a little too close quarters, but thats just my opinion. if it worked fine without camping throughout testing, dont change it. overall i love it, 4.8/5 (i dont go around handing out 5s, the map has to be just about perfect)
Finally! Hah, i thought this would never come. And i see that you made a lot of changes to when i first saw it a month or so ago. It looks unbreakable from the pictures but of course i will have to download and check it out. Or maybe I'll see ya online if you go on later. I like the interlocking of the octagon building, its kinda a trademark for you to add those type of structures in your maps now, good idea