
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Furious D 18, Feb 20, 2008.

  1. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Exacted is a small one-sided objective and slayer map best suited for 2-6 players.​


    Exacted is a small map built to support games of 2-6 players. It was specifically designed for team doubles one flag CTF, but it has also been set up for all variants of Slayer, Assault, King of the Hill, and Territories. I designed the map to play as close to a professional Bungie map as possible. Players can get from area to area easily, but there are also some shortcuts for skilled jumpers. You’ll also notice several unique aesthetic touches that make this map look as professional as a Foundry map can.

    The map is dominated by four main areas. The first and most prominent is the curved flag platform which serves as the defender’s base. The platform has been raised up off the ground to prevent players from grenade jumping up to it. It can be accessed from two of the other areas via bridges, or by sneaking around back and jumping up.

    The Curved Flag Platform

    The next area of interest is the skylight building. This is a two story square building with a hole in the center for players to drop down through. Grenades can be thrown up or down the hole to attack enemies on the other floor. Each floor has two entrances. The bottom entrances are covered by shield doors, but there are gaps below the shields for players to bounce grenades through. This building connects to the curved flag platform via a bridge.

    The skylight

    Bouncing nades below shield doors

    The third main area is the open building. It is much more open than the skylight building, and it is the other building that connects to the curved flag platform.

    The Skylight Building is on the left, the Open Building is in the background, and the Curved Platform is on the right

    Jumping on the pallets to get on to the Open Building

    The final main area is near the attacker base and is just a small platform with a slanted box. The Slanted Platform connects to the Skylight Building via a bridge.

    Slanted Platform on the right, Skylight Building in the center background, Open Building on the left foreground, and Curved Platform on the left background

    The other named areas on the map are the sniper perch, the dumpster corner, the forklift corner, and the light box.

    The sniper perch, top left corner

    Weapon Selection
    The power weapons on Exacted are the sentinel beam (asymmetric only), rockets (symmetric only) the sniper rifle, and the shotgun. There are also some BRs, a couple carbines, some duels, and a needler.

    There are several of each type of grenade, but only one firebomb. There is also a bubble shield, a trip mine, and a deployable cover (symmetric only) on the map.

    Recommended Games

    • One Flag Fast: One Flag CTF variant. Change player respawns to 5 seconds, flag return time to 15 seconds, and round time limits to 2 minutes. Best with 2v2. Enemies respawn quickly, so make sure your teammate has your back if you’re running away with the flag. If the enemy gets the flag off the curved platform, you’d better kick butt or get lucky in order to return the flag. A 15 second flag return timer with a 5 second player respawn timer means that flag is going to be heavily contested.
    • Territories Fast: Territories variant. Change territory capture time to 15 seconds, and round time limits to 2 minutes. Best with 3v3. Capturing territories is difficult on this map. That’s why it’s recommended to have 3v3. Get to know the layout of the map and all the handy little shortcuts in order to get to the territories before they get captured.
    • Any Slayer or Team Slayer game. You probably shouldn’t play with more than 4 players on a slayer game here. But if you do, I recommend a 5 or 10 seconds respawn time (to give players a short break after they kill someone) and faster shield recharge rates (to limit the times when you get finished off by some random guy).
    • Assault: Currently untested on this map. But I’m sure it’s cool.

    Aesthetic Tounches
    A great deal of effort was put into making this map look neat and unique. The following pictures depict aesthetic touches.

    The light box
    This was created by clipping teleporter receiver nodes into the box so that only the blinking lights showed. They were arranged into a circle, and they now resemble a flickering flower.

    The bottomless tunnel
    I always hate it when I run over a tiny ledge and it “bumps†my player up. It distracts me from the game. So I clipped this open box into the floor to get rid of that annoying little floor. The neighboring boxes and the stairs were all clipped into the floor to line up with the open box.

    The fence box boxes
    The rest of Foundry has been blocked off with double boxes clipped to fit into fence boxes. Also, several boxes have been clipped into the walls to hide those red pipes on the sides. The result is a unique and seamless wall to keep players in Foundry’s main room.

    The skylight
    As shown above, the skylight is a small opening in the center of the floor and ceiling of the Skylight Building. It helps create a unique atmosphere.

    The box in the claw
    I merged a single box into the main crane claw on the map. It was originally done as an aesthetic touch, but I noticed that it also reduces the field of view of the sniper perch, making that location a little less powerful. It's not centered in there perfectly, but it's pretty good.

    There are also countless examples of interlocking and objects merged with map geometry. You’ll find that everything was placed with exact precision in Exacted.


    Action Screenshots
    This map has been tested extensively, and here are plenty of screenshots to prove it.

    Territory 2

    Attacking Territory 4

    King of the Hill

    Attacking the flag carrier

    Getting shot at from beneath the curved platform

    Trip Mine + Grenade = Double Kill
    Get off my flag, blue team!

    Final Notes
    • There is one small change between these screenshots and the final version of Exacted. In the final version, the short barrier at the top of the open building has been rotated 90 degrees to offer better protection against enemies at the sniper platform and on the curved platform. But a fusion coil has also been added for balance.
    • Please note that the rockets and deployable cover spawn on symmetrical games (Slayer, Team Slayer, King of the Hill) only. A sentinel beam replaces those items on asymmetrical games (One-Flag, Assault, Territories). Rockets are too powerful for the standard objective games but they are fun for the slayer and hill games. Don’t leave a comment that says, “omg rockets and sentinel beam next to each other in the center, noob!â€
    • I’m pretty sure it’s impossible to escape from the play area on this map. But maybe it’s possible with a combination of deployable cover, rockets, and a grenade jump. But if it is possible, it will require the perfect setup and a ton of luck. Go ahead, try to break my map! EDIT: Happythetic found a way out, but it's pretty hard to do. Nice job Happy, but now I want to see a vid of you doing it in an actual game.
    • This is my first map made with the unlimited budget glitch, and it took forever! I deleted all of the unused items in case they would interfere with the game performance. However, I still have a version with all of the budget-glitch items tucked away in the unused portion of this map. If you would like to create your own Exacted variants, download the Exacted Build version. If you publish your version, please give credit. Also, please note that I just ran into the item limit on the build version, so you’ll have to delete unused objects in order to spawn new ones. The build version will be available for a limited time only.

    This link is to the updated version which has correct weapon respawns.
    Download Link: Exacted
  2. The Mutato

    The Mutato Ancient
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    *mouth waters*

    Simply amazing... you have so much attention to detail. I bet the map plays just as good as it looks.

    How do you get boxes into the floor, by the way?
  3. TXGhost

    TXGhost Ancient
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    Wow this is great, the detail is simply amazing. Im not a fan of how this map may be played but the detail and the look of it is really pleasing. But I will not be hendered by my first opinion of the gameplay of this map and will download.
  4. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    This looks fantastic, Furious! I like that you make maps for smaller parties; a man after my own heart.
    I've gone back to one of the maps I made and started doing exactly what you've done in pushing the open boxes into the floor. That little hiccup transition has always annoyed the crap out of me.
    I have to say, the first thing that caught my attention in your pics was the box merged into the crate claw. I've got to start playing with the geo glitch more. And making the light flower is pretty damn sweet, too. It's a much cooler way to indicate a base than the rather goofy way MLG does it with a lit-up sender node sticking sideways out of a box.
    One last thing; thank you for showing everyone the proper way to use a shield door. Prepare to be stolen from...
    Please feel free to hit me up if you want to play some games on this. :squirrel_hug:
  5. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    Yay! Furious stole my ideas. lol That's ok. I steal ideas all the time, all good forgers do. The box in the crane and tunnel box pushed in the floor in case you didn't know what I was talking about.

    This map is very scary to me Furious. Looks great in Forge and all, and I was really excited for this map to be realeased but... ho-ly crap! Games on this are very harsh. The map is so open and cover is limited so you're almost always being shot. And you wouldn't think scoring the flag would be too hard since it's soo close, but it is. One round my team didn't manage to score. So good map, like playing on it, but I'm scared of it at the same time.

    And I love the flower, that's neat. I actually stopped to look at it once while being shot at.
  6. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Put immovable objects on each side of it to anchor it in place. Then place two upside-down doors on top of it. You'll notice that the tops of the doors "sink in" to the box. Grab the box and let go quickly, and the tops of the doors will now be "solid" and will push the box away. Since it's anchored on all sides, there's nowhere for it to go except down.

    Thanks. And yes, the map is pretty intense and competitive.

    No problem! I think it's a good idea, and I'm all for the community using good ideas.

    What?!? Those were totally my ideas. I really don't recall those from any of your maps or from any discussion or anything. But then again, I did start this map like 3 weeks ago, so maybe I forgot. But still, jog my memory. Until you do, you will be named Neverless Liar. I can even use my mod powers to give you a custom title that says that, lol.

    Yes. The games turned out to be a little more intense than I anticipated. But I think that might have had to do with an uneven skill distribution on the teams. I think with more even teams it would have been a little better. I don't want to add any other cover, because I really like the way the map is right now. By the way, I was going for a kind of Relic thing with the flag: getting the flag off the platform is the biggest obstacle to scoring.

    Lol, I totally forgot about that. The slayer game is the one video that I have not watched yet. I wanted to add that screenshot with a little line about getting distracted by the aesthetics. But the film was 16 minutes long so I didn't watch it yet. I'll post that picture once I watch it.
  7. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    Remember my failed UNSC Frigate map with the tunnel box merged with the crane? The map failed but I still like the idea. I think I'll try again.

    And with Cyclopean I pushed a tunnel box into the floor. Although mine was upside down and now that I think of it, I'm not even sure if you've seen that yet.

    It doesn't matter though, I'm not trying to take credit, I just thought it was funny.
  8. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    I do remember a sniper perch that you worked into the claw, so maybe that inspired me a little. I don't think I've seen a final version of Cyclopean. You need to finish it so I can get on the thread and be like, "Yay! Wonder stole my ideas!" Lol. I know you're not trying to take credit. I'm just messing with you.
  9. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    The amount of effort you put into this really shows.

    Im downloading now.

    Ill run some games on it tonight and post my views after.
  10. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Another great map, Furious. Just like Trapzilla. :p
    Nice touch with the teleporter light.
  11. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
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    It looks delicious. Will DL when my internet stops eating dirt
  12. Projectt2501

    Projectt2501 Ancient
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    That Flower thingey is brilliant...
  13. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    You know, now that someone brought it up, I do think Trapzilla is still your best map.
  14. gorebound

    gorebound Ancient
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    Furious. I love you. It's so pleasing to see when someone takes the time and dedictation that a really good map requires. You know I'll download it.

    The only thing that bothers me about this map is the lack of cover, but I'm judging that opinion solely on the pictures. I'll get back to you with a review later on.
  15. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Sexy... and long... post, Furious. I have a love/hate relationship with this map right now. It's beautiful, and simple (in the best sense of the term). It's a little too open for my tastes. I'm a spider-holing coward unless I have a rocket launcher. But it does bring back some Halo 1 style memories of working the flag inch-by-inch back to your base. And You totally stole the raised shield doors from my portal feud map. Can't you do anything original other than making pretty flowers? ;)

    *gives Neverless a pound*
  16. ghettobooty89

    ghettobooty89 Ancient
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    Another good job, I'll download
  17. Paralyzed King

    Paralyzed King Ancient
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    This map looks awesome! I can't wait to try it out..
  18. Egoender

    Egoender Ancient
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    This looks amazing!

    Downloading right now.
  19. monpe45

    monpe45 Ancient
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    This map is gorgeous very well done it looks like a real map its an instant download for me. There is just one thing and its probably just me but it seems to be a little open, but after I saw the closer stuff I changed my mind, but it does still seem a little open in the middle.
  20. Colonel Chewy

    Colonel Chewy Ancient
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    This map looks really clean. I will try it out.

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