Bad News: Scientists Find Gene That Makes You Good at Halo Also Makes You a Premature Ejaculator Oh man, that article makes me happy that I suck at Halo!
*points and keeps laughing at matty* nice one edgar.. nice find though glad im not that good either...
Hilarious... that's why I love Gizmodo. Plus the comments. If you didn't, read the giz comments for a good laugh.
Rofl that is pretty funny. However, what about the people that are able to predict what there opponent is going to do and counter them?
OMG i suck balls at halo ijust hang w/ friends and make maps/get achievement, this is kool cuz i dont have to worry bout that crap anymore! lolz
K so scientists are researching for the gene that makes you good at halo and not the cure to AIDs or cancer.
Holy **** I've been reading some of the comments in the article's page: There's more, just read on, lmfao... Good find... And to silence: Being shitty at both, doesn't make you a bad person...So dun worry guy, you'll be okay. ;D
I can't wait until I get owned at Halo by some General and he's like, "OMG, I'm so good, you suck, HA!" I'll just be like, "Ya..."
This news doesn't apply to the majority of you guys yet. just about anybody under 20 is a premature ejaculator... As for me, my halo skills are... lacking. As for forging, that's different, it doesn't have anything to do with reflexes and such.
I emailed a link of that to my friend a while ago. He laughed and said it wasn't true. He's insanely good at games, I thought it was hilarious when I sent him the link.