Sewage Lines V2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Camoflaug, Oct 9, 2008.

  1. Camoflaug

    Camoflaug Ancient
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    v2 Changes
    -Fenceboxes merged into ground to make ramps.
    -lowered jumping spots so no more crouch jumps.
    -moved sniper to top and shotgun to bottom
    -a long and painful fix with spawns
    -custom gametypes.
    -much better gameplay
    -added cover to bottom
    Sewage Lines V2

    Created By: Camoflaug

    Sewage lines is the "Redux" to my map Sewage Line. I re-built the entire map, this isn't a v2. Its a brand new map. There is a lot more new things on it, it has improved immensely.

    Recommended Players: 2-4 Players

    Supported Game types: SEWAGE HILL and SEWAGE BALL ONLY!

    In a nut shell, my map is a small symmetric map that was designed from my former map.If i had to explain Sewage lines in a few words i would have to say its a fast paced thrilling map with unique gameplay styles. It is recommended that you use 2-4 players on it.

    As I said before, its a small symmetric map. Its packs a ton of game play. All objects on the map are neatly set down. It has Geo-merges at the most difficult angles. The map has two levels to it. There is the high ground witch sits above the lower ground of coarse. From it, you can drop down the the bottom ground. Ironically, the bottom floor uses the sniper rifle while the top uses the shot gun.

    Weapons and Equipment:
    Battle Rifle(10) }
    Plasma Rifle(2) }30 second respawn
    Plasma Pistol(1) }
    Shotgun(1) no spare clips 150 respawn
    Sniper(1) one spare clip 150 respawn
    Grav-Lift(1) 45 second respawn
    Frag Nades(4)
    plasma nades(6)

    Game play:
    Along with the beautiful aesthetics you are going to get great game play with this map. It plays almost like a MLG map. It has you jumping from ledge to ledge, constantly tapping your trigger to pop off the BR shots. The map works with Oddball, Slayer, Team Slayer, CTF and KOTH. Sewage lines is fast paced and will always keep you on your toes. strategy on sewage lines is much present, you can dominate the bottom and take close quarters. and hope not to be detroyed by the grendades from above or take post at the top were you have the advantage of high ground. Sewage lines gives varieties of play styles depending on the players.And a game on this map is sure not to disapoint.


    I am confident and positive that the map is unbreakable. I have not found a way out on it. It hits the level barrier so I'm sure its un-breakable. Not even those crafty bastards out there won't be breaking this map. We tested the spawns on this a lot to, they seemed to hold up fine.
    #1 Camoflaug, Oct 9, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2008
  2. S1L3NT h

    S1L3NT h Ancient
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    I downloaded the first sewage lines and i thought it was pretty god.

    Now looking at this version, it looks 2 times better, i like the fence box ramps. It is cool and it adds to the aesthetics.

    Nice job 5/5
    JASONYO likes this.

    JASONYO Ancient
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    this looks like some good approvements from version 1. i really liked version 1 so ill c how version 2 plays out. nice job
    De Wy El Ay En likes this.
  4. Trifslap

    Trifslap Ancient
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    I recently played a few rounds on v1 and my major problem was that there wasn't nearly enough cover.
    It's great to see that you've added some more to the bottom levels.

    I like the entire geomerged fencebox concept, it adds a whole new level of aesthetic awesome to an already pretty map, and the fact that you were able to remake the map with such accuracy astounds me.
    Obibital likes this.
  5. Camoflaug

    Camoflaug Ancient
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    dont get confused with asthetics and gameplay those were added for gameplay because people would just get shot from behind when they tried to jump up the ledges. i guess they do look nice too cause they were freakin hard to merge!
    Obibital likes this.
  6. mananagun8

    mananagun8 Ancient
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    wow this is a really cool map im gonna download. the interlocking is more than epic. and i like the bridge checkerboard type set up its really nice.
    Resix likes this.
  7. n1n3CAL

    n1n3CAL Ancient
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    Sewage Lines v1 was elite. Great gameplay and had some good custom games on it at the LANs here. Version 2 seemed to eliminate my one and only peeve on it which was the hop to get from ground level to on top of the boxes. With the geomerged fence box (which must have taking a long time; props), that problem no longer exists. Sewage Lines was 5/5 and so is the v2.
    De Wy El Ay En likes this.
  8. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    I had a great time testing this over and over and wait for it...over again.
    It was absolutely mindblowing, the gameplay was great for almost everything except for FLAG but ODDBALL was my favorite. I look forward to any of your future maps and I will definetly download this.
    De Wy El Ay En and drak like this.
  9. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    NICE. i loved sewage line but this one beats the shiziit out of it with a lead pole. its so much beater. i loved how you kept all the cool gameplay and ascetic features from the first one and incorperated it into the second. pimptastic geo-merging interlocking of course, just as pretty as the first one. I especially like the slanted fence boxes with the stuff in it, very innovative. if i could give this a 12/5 i would. once again, NICE.

    Im giving out constructive comments, so do me a favor by giving good rep.
    JASONYO, De Wy El Ay En and Obibital like this.
  10. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Sweet finally you make a v2. And its very awesome!!!! The map layout and design is one of the most unique ones ever. Version 2 looks even more revealing and fun than v1. Gameplay looks smooth. Good job. 5/5
  11. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    Awesome! I'm glad you put up V2! I'll try and download (100 item limit) and if I can't I'll delete some stuff so I can get this map.
  12. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
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    This map looks very creative. The layout looks awesome and the map is filled up with amazing Interlocking and Geo Merging.

    I'd like to know how you Geo Merged that Fence Box in that angle.
  13. highSPLATTERY1

    highSPLATTERY1 Ancient
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    wow simply wow i never saw the the v1 but from this i could tell it was awsome. i never have seen cleaner merging or interlocking. i will definitely dl. i think adding more cover was a good desicision ill give it a 5/5
  14. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    we have broken it.. if you want a video we can give you 1...?

    edit: it took him like 2 mins. lol.

    he likes his french men. lolololololololawl

    EDIT: anyway... i supported the v1 of this map and thought it was verynice and now youve added some more convenient ways up and what not. i only did a forge through on this version so far but i see that the spawns look quite a bit improved and the changing of the weapons... but im not sure what the weapons really change. ill have to see.
  15. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    I loved the original and this is even better... I am really glad you added more cover to the lower level.
    I also am very impressed with the merged fence boxes, they make a great looking map look even more interesting.
    Your creative interlocking and geomerging give this map amazing aesthetics. It was also a neat idea to place the sniper
    down below and the shotgun above, you don't see that often in maps. I also like the slots you can drop down through, the
    use of tele writing, and your a/b sign =P. If the gameplay is vastly improved from the original I can see this getting featured!
    A definite download for me, incredible map =)
  16. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    i love sewage line V1. now there's a V2 so i'll definitely dl it. i love the aesthetics and the gameplay can change up quite unexpectadly and thats whats great about it. especially all those bridges that make little squares, thats cool
    Speed-e-cake likes this.
  17. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    excellent! the grate looks really impressive as does the rest of it, ill try it out and see if i can break it
  18. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    This is one of the best V2's I've ever seen.
    It has some of the best aesthenic features and gameplay ain't too shabby as well.
    You clearly put in a lot of effort with the aesthenics; I particularly like the geomerged bridges and the work you did there
  19. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    I never did write a review of the first version. I'll just have to do it with the better one then :D

    All I have to say is...amazing. The first thing that strikes me in this is the layout of the map. At some times you may feel as if you are outside, while in others it feels like you are inside a building. I always loved the little fence-wall square hole things. It really adds an element of diversity and is great for the gameplay.

    Your interlocking and geo-meging truely is awe-inspiring. When I saw the (now added) geo-merged fence box used as a ramp, it gave me an idea what a good forger you are. Not only does the ramp look smooth, but also adds an aesthetic touch. Which is nice, in such a well-constructed map. There are no visible camping spots but it's definately not too open. You have exactly the right mix of open areas and cover.

    Your weapon choice is pretty much spot on for this style of map. No real power weapons, just smooth loading, quick guns. Respectively,I guess it creates some pretty fast-paced gameplay. Your choice to add gametypes was a great addition to an already quite popular map. I'd like a few details on what the gametypes consist of, but if they are at the same quality of the map - I'm assured that they work fantastic.

    In conclusion, I don't think it will be very long until this map is featured. It definately deserves it. 5/5 and a DL from me. Keep up the great work!
  20. HydroZoid

    HydroZoid Ancient
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    very impressive, and although its not exactly a new feature to any maps i still love the way you managed to fit a few random items behind every fence box. i havent done a forgethrough yet so i will tonight and then ill get a few games on it this weekend.

    p.s. i wanted to look at v1 soooooo bad but for some reason the DL link stopped working =(

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