I quickly threw this together. What do you think? Please leave comments. Spam will be - rep'd and reported. Pic Fix'd
Not bad, a few things though. It's really blurry, try sharpening it a little. You should also try blending the render into the background a bit. Speaking of the background, it's really dull, just plain black. Spice it up! Something about the light coming from the big daddy's helmet bothers me. I like the render, Bioshock for the win! Good try. Make a version two and I'll be back.
Sorry, but it's very bland. A render slapped onto a black background with some stock text that doesn't really go with anything else in the sig.
dude it looks awesome but u just have to work a bit more easier in Blurring. & next time add a little AWE in it u know what i mean like adding a bG that has somthin in it rather than having nothin in it.. but nice sig try