I think that is already a playlist in TGIF. This is a separate function from TGIF but I would be glad to host a MLG TGIF party
My GT: AcTiViZiOn, im interested in one of these mlg teams and if their gamebattles my game nattles acount is BC_x_Lifeless
Hmm... active members you say? Well, count me in. But if you're willing to look past the fact that I'm a Junior Member I have a knack for objective gameplay and have pretty decent br's. GT: RampaginFetus TZ: (GMT -06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
ahhh yeaaa that means i have a 3.2% chance of making it in!(huh, how'd you come up with those numbers)
Alright well this is pretty much a little league type thing where we play MLG gametypes and such. Add the FH MLG League Gamertag if you want to be a part of this. The gamenights will probably be every other Friday starting tomorrow if possible.