This is my series of Saw (puzzle) maps called DeathTrap, they have different names because they are all different DeathTrap maps & dont comment much on their appearance because if there's something you can see through or jump on it could help you same with interlocking. i've took a break from making them, since I've made 9 of them. I like constructive criticism and if you could report in any bugs that would be helpful and thanks if you do! So anyway here they are! BTW, if you need help just message (not a friend request) me on xbox live my gamertag's, A7X JIGS4W.(was stv083) Here's a youtube video of the first four maps - Here's a video of DeathTrap Hill - Here's a video of DeathTrap Path - These go map by map, 1-9. And pics are of level one only. DeathTrap V5 In this level you're supposed to find the right turret or teleporter. There are 3 turrets and 2 teleporters, hmmmmm. DeathTrapDoom V3 In this first level you're supposed to find a way to destroy the grav lift and after that you choose the right door and get to the next level. DeathTrapStormV2 This has to be one of my favorite levels, and hardest. You have to find something to grab on to while going like 100mph, warning, your eye's might start hurting. DeathTrapPuzzle I might've made this one a little too hard. So I'll just give you a hint. Wait 30 second and blam it's there. But where is there? DeathTrapHillV2 This moderately difficult level is obvious. Get to the top, somehow jump threw the window panel, jump threw the teleporter. Simple as tht DeathTrapPath This is my least favorite map. But it's a map that has no levels, just a run threw, so you get off easy there. DeathTrapAir This is a big arena that has man cannons, and grav lifts. How will you get out? Use them. DeathTrapSnow A special map that's on Avalanche. This starts off as an obstacle course and this is my 2nd favorite map because it has better gameplay, different from other saw maps in a couple levels. DeathTrapCliff My favorite map that again starts off as an obstacle course and begins to become a Saw map. Main goal. Get to the teleporter. Simple as that. Thanks for checking them out! And make sure to use this gametype! And a couple hints. Look EVERYWHERE. And look in the same place more than 2 or 3 times. Let the games begin. ***********Made a new map. It's called DeathTrapMythic, it's called mythic because it will only be available until the mythic mappack comes out, or I might leave it. I dont know yet. No pics yet, im grounded so i cant take any. This is mainly a hard obstacle course map. Only 2 actual normal levels. It's on Blackout. Will post pics when I can Download - Thanks Tylyr!!!
wow this is pretty sweet ilove the idea and 9 maps 1 post pretty neat mabey you can offer a better discription of each 1 but the place seems clean and challenging if you describe them you got my dl(if i like it).
looks reallly clean. i dont know if ill dl all of them but im defanetaley dling the most challenging ones if u could ever so kindly point out the nice n hard ones then u got a few dl's from me. positives: -looks like a great time to kill time. -ussually you feel as if youve accomplished somtheng when you coomplete a challegne negatives: -some parts look a little to challenging -a few of them are to easy looking. points: +lots of decently made maps +looks much nicer than my epic fail of a first map ?nine maps. isnt that a little much. i guess its not. ?why are the man cannons interlocked but the single boxes arnet. overall:7/10
I'd say the most challenging ones are, Doom, Puzzle, Hill, and Snow. And could you point out the negatives? And I was just really motivated by some friends that enjoyed my maps, and by the first saw map I played. The man cannons are on the outside of the boxes and Since the walls and boxes aren't interlocked it can give hints/clues to players and make the more challenging ones less challenging. And thanks for the feedback! PS - I'm sure your first map wasn't a fail lol!
ok, I updated ALL of the maps, so everything has some difference, for example how you finish a level, fixed a couple minor bugs, made levels that were wayyy hard a little easier, made the wayyy easy levels a little harder, And I changed the gametype so it has more updated and better options for the games, thanks!
Personally I don't like death traps. To me they are too easy to make and don't take skill. Death traps are something a bit, cut-off, and overdone. No offense.
ok, I updated ALL of the maps + the gametype. It's all alot better than the past versions and many small and a couple big bugs were fixed, as well as adding and taking away objects. I made some levels that were to easy harder, and some levels to hard easier. Thanks, and let the games begin!
its a wide open area where you can walk around and mess with the people still doing the map and im pretty sure that i put at least a weapon close bythe exit