Irony Map made by Mearm. 4-12 players. Use with any gametype. First off, this map is made for bigger teams, so I suggest using at least 4vs4 or if you can't, 3vs3, but in either case, you want larger teams to play on this. Each team starts on the opposite end of a layer of fence walls with a shield door in the middle between the 2 fence walls. You cannot shoot or melee through this wall, but you can see through it, so you can watch your enemies positions and report this to your allies. Doing this allows you to get the upper hand in an attack run on say, CTF. This way, you can catch your enemies off guard, but be careful; your enemies can see you too. Weapons on the map include: 2 assault rifles, 4 battle rifles, 2 shotguns, 2 SMGs, 2 spikers, a magnum, a plasma pistol, 2 plasma rifles, a needler, a brute shot, 2 carbines and 2 maulers. Equipment on the map includes: 8 frags, 4 plamsas, a power drain, a trip mine, a grav lift, a regenerator and a deployable cover. This map was originally supposed to be 2 bases on the opposite side of a solid wall, but Parune suggested that instead of a wall separating the bases, there should be a fence wall. I tried this, and it worked out pretty well. This map has symmetrical bases and wall layout, but has asymetrical structures and interior layout. Actually, the layout of the bases is generally the same, but the structures inside the bases are different. For example, the stairs and the box floor for the base is the same, but the box in this picture, and the door ledge in the first picture are different parts of the attacker and defender bases. There are 2 different ways to get from the defender to the attacker base or vice versa. Each of these passages has a different layout, and different style of battle. In this shot, this is the passage made for close quarters combat in the lower parts, and long range combat in the upper part. This is the other hallway to and from the bases. This one has a signifigantly different design from the other hallway, but it is supposed to be like that. Aside from having a different layout, this section has different weapons, and you can use this section in a different way because of this. Action Shots Both of them are going for shotguns. Explosives are on this map, use them to your advantage, such as in this case. There is a hole between these boxes to prevent campers from camping this open box tunnel. Long range combat is shown to be the winning way to go in this part of the map. When wire spools attack... Needler vs. Assault rifle, who will win? Getting enemies out of the hill can prove difficult unless they haven't found a good hiding spot. Credits I made most of this map, but Parune helped with some parts, setting gametypes, and adding scenery. This map has many scenery objects, by the way, as both Parune and I like maps that utilize these underused objects. If you have any comments or suggestions, please post them and rate the map. Have fun! (I am the Elite, Parune is the Spartan) Here is a link to the map:
wow, this map is actually really well built, it looks great for gameplay, and it also has great asthetics, i must say, this is a really nice map. it's a sure download from The Borat. Overall Rating: 8/10 "Nice Interlocking and Geo-merging"
I like the whole lay out of this map and how you incorporated it with alleyway to make it not only a unique design but a unique geometrical layout too.
look good. i see a couple of VERY VERY slight issues, like one of the boxes is interlocked a little weird in pic 3, like there may be a slight bump or something when walking up it. i dont know. if it's not an issue, then oh well. never mind. the rest of the map looks great, great interlocking at stuff. 4/5 for the map. keep up the good work! EDIT: ok. i read ur thing about the testing, and alright never mind.
looks very good, overall 5/5, breakdown: Merging:5/5 > very good, clean Weapons:4/5 > 2 Shotguns, seems like it wouldnt work very well. Appeal:5/5 > first thought: WOW nice! Style:5/5 > I like your style. A V2 could be nice... in it maybe put a mauler instead of the shotgun? i dont know cant wait for a v2!
I am entirely impressed on certain parts of the skill incorporated within this map. Although it seems a little bit too narrow. 7/10
this map looks great the interlocking looks good to. it looks like u actully put some time into it instead of messing around. i say 4/5.
Yet another map that I feel incentive towards posting for. From the screenshots, your map looks pretty good if not great. I love complex maps and your map definitely seems to fit the bill. Can't say too much more since I've only queued it, so that's all I have to say.
I like the 2 different hallways to choose from, and how you can either take the long range or close combat options. I myself am more of a fan of the close combat, so the lower hallway was a nice change of pace for me. 5/5
This reminds me a lot of Longest from CE. It looks as though it would have great gameplay features in objective games. Just try to clean up the looks a little more. Other than that 4/5
nice layout tho i think the hole to prevent camping is creative it makes the map look bad instead dont use a box there make it an open underpass... and clean some of the interlockings up it really effects ppls impressions and also gameplay tho everything else looks 1337... 4.3/5
Looks like a very nice map. It has great interlocking and appears to have some balanced gameplay. Sorry to bring on some personal preferences, but here we go. I probably couldn't play on this map because it gives this really claustrophobic feel from the pics and I can't deal with that. But srsly, looks awesome. 4.7/5
yes agreed it does need to be cleaned up ok rly? thats just spam post something about the map not just nice map or stuff like that tell him what you thought was good or not good about it. ok well i like the idea but it looks a little sloppy for me and i think i wont download because of that. if you make a v2 pm me and ill download it if it was better. good map just clean it up a little bit
The map looks really good, although i dont think anyone is goin to just sit at that fence wall and "watch enemy movement" in your third picture as well, where there is the single box ramp, maybe try and make that interlock a little bit smoother, but overall a good map
Looks good! Kinda reminds me of the map Odeum which wasnt so good but this looks better I think. You did a good job and it looked like that you took a lot of time here. Nice job.
I really like the looks of this =). The multi-floored layout is a great idea and I like your choice of weapons. You have found the perfect balance between crowded, cover filled alleyways, and long lines of sight. I can't wait to check this out, looks incredible. EDIT: I also love your interlocking and geomerging!!!
It's a great up close and personal map, though I don't think a game of 5 vs 5 or higher works for this map and btw it should have interlocking to make it look nice and make more aestheatics in the map in your v2, see ya.