This video is for pennyless and is on the thread here. Tell me what you think!!!!
lol you clearly had way better footage to work with....i was trying to find some good clips, and nothing in the vid i had that was like what..? 10 minutes long hahaha nice one though, good synching with the music...i hope my video still stays in your thread though.......
Im truly sorry i had to make another one because I did not know that we were going to have a version 3. I keep your thought deeply in my heart. And i appreciate your video just as much.
you did a really good job syncronizing with the music but I do have one suggestion. I've done a few montages and Machinimas, and I'm no master at all, but I would suggest just holding your camera a bit more still. There was alot of jerking around going on the montage which often left me disoriented. Still a great video man. I'll +rep just because I appreciate people who make vids for maps that they like. Love, Zachary9990