Ninja Paradise So basically this is a small square arena type map. You must play the gametype in order to play. This is also some sort of assassination practice map. Thanks to Picceta for the floor. I got it from his map, Anilec The Gametype - Up to 8 players only. There are 5 rounds. Number of kills doesnt matter. What matters is that you win if you are the last man standing in the 5th and last round. The weapon is magnum and you are invincible except from assassination. So ya, assassinate to stay alive. Map: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Gametype: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details PICS: Outside the arena: Overview 1: Overview 2: Wham! ENJOY!
not much of a map but 3/5 for me are you just hitting him with your fist try to make like more of ummmmmmmmmm a area to make it look good Edit: sorry for bad coment it just didnt apeal to me sorry but i just dont get how gameplay works
What do you mean an area? Also, of course you're just hitting him, thats the point of the game, assassination. Trust me, its fun.
could have made the floor himself, ever think of that? Dont be so presumptous....okay no seriously, give picceta some credit
I did, I went on his map then on Anilec. There were no altered boxes. Even the budget glitch items were still there.
Lol ya. Honestly I really was about to credit him (i dont lie) but I was suppose to post this map 2 hours b4 the orig. time but I went out and when I came back, I completely forgot about it. No really, Im not lying, thanks Picceta! I love you! (not really)
The arena is interesting and moderately well forged, but the game type is most likely to not turn out great. The game may be fun the first couple of times, but the Halo 3 community is looking for something unique and entertaining. Maybe you should take it in consideration to colaborate this map with a different game variant. For now, I can only proceed to give you a 2/5 for your effort on the map.
You used piccetas floor but you didn't build anything interesting using it... A square box with nothing in it, sounds really fun (sarcasm). If you are going to use his floor at least make something cool incorporating it.
It's pretty sad to use somebody else's floor when you have shuch a bad map already, I know it's all about the gametype, but you could really make something else, like a map with a maze and double box rails and all of that stuff the jump on, but this is dissapointing me, try to be more creative next time and if you're lying or not I don't care, It's stolen and it will never be different by admitting it or lying.
the map is sort of bland, but i must say the flooring in the map is amazingly made, but you should add alot more to it in v2, make it more asthetic, this looks more like Spawn-Kill Paradise and not so much Ninja paradise, sorry. Overall Rating: 4/10 "The Flooring Was Made Greatly!"
This could be fun for a while but will definity get boring, this isnt that of an original idea either try to take more time on your maps if you want people to dowload them
Dude each player only has 1 life per round. It may be true, but I just suggest to all the ppl to be alert . Anyways I kinda agree, how do I improve it?
How enjoyful, a map where Spartans and Elites wack each other off. 5/5 for sexuallity, entertainment... WAIT! This isn't a porno? Anyways, the map is pretty plain looking like something you would see from ten months ago (no joke too). Looks like a one on one griff ball map if you added two bomb placements.