Map: VANQUISHERSorry for the image problem before, hopefully ou guys can see the images now Best Gametypes: Multi-Flag Capture the flag Assualt, Neutral Bomb Team Slayer Vanquisher is not one of the maps that go completely overboard on interlocking. It was made to look like bungie made it (a map without any of the forging tricks). This map is perfect for objective gametypes. Although everything but the flag positions are asymmetrical, the flags are placed high atop on either sides of foundry. This map has a 2nd floor that goeds almost completely around the map. Of course 1 side isThe middle has a narow passage way that holds the dreaded rocket launcher! One side has a hallway leading to either flag and inbetween the 2 sides lays the sniper rifle with a window to see almost the entire field. There are also machine gun turrets located just below the flags. There is a hammer located behind a wall just above the rocket launcher. This can also be a slayer map. Not made to be a slayer map but whats more fun than killing other people? Weapons on map: Assualt Rifle Battle Rifle Magnum Rocket Laucher Sniper Rifle Gravity Hammer Shotgun Mauler Covenant Carbine SMG Needler Plasma Pistol Plasma Rifle Brute Shot Machine Gun Turret Equiptment Used: Bubble Shield Grav Lift Power Drain Regenerator Active Camo Overshields Vehicles: Mongoose A general overview of the map. The opposite, more open side of Vanquisher. The view from the Camo looking toward the Red Flag. The place where everyone usually is within 10 after the start. Dont get too close to that Mauler! "Please tell me this thing can go faster!" - Flag Carrier DOWNLOAD HERE>>> : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
i see interlocking. and if it was everywhere. this map would be amazing. but for now its just good. really nice first post though. 3/5
Looks very cool. I like how it isn't quite symmetrical, yet it still has the symmetrical feel to it. 5/5
Yeah thats what I said. I hate it when people interlock everything in the map even though a lot of the time they are just wasting time. Interlocking is a thing you use when the gameplay changes significantly, depending on whether it is interlocked or not. Or If you want it to look "smooth."
Wow, great job, really breaks up the whole, base sides middle sides base that is most comptetitive maps (you know the maps - thats how all MLG are set out . But this tears away from that and that is why ive downloaded it. Good Job.
you could have interlocked the walls into the boxes so they were large barrier height. It would look nicer and add to the strategic part of the map. I also see one or two things that were a little sloppy. Other than that, 3.5/5, make a V2, I'd love to play on it.
THANK YOU FOR SAYING THAT!!! It bugs me that people on here constantly complain about how every damn thing isnt interlocked!!!! It doesnt need interlocking everywhere people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nice map, and like he said, i like that you only used interlocking where you needed it.
While this map is not an elaborate work of art like some maps, i rather like its simplicity as it is not overwhelming. I feel that you made this map with the thought of what actual game play would be like on it and not just another map designed to look good. I noticed the mongoose in one of your pictures and i think it would be rather interesting to drive the mongoose around on this map as it appears fairly accessible for it. 5/5 from me, this map looks like the type i would download and play a game with friends on.