Silence broken is making sure we follow the rules because hes trying to ruin all the fun. He wish he could be on the non prem team! Regret making Bayonetwok now don't ya Broken? JK yopur maps are awsome!
Im not sure why John has decided to help me organise it so much. Either way I am very grateful for it.
Well, while i didnt originate the idea, until i came along it merely was an idea. I decided to kick it into reality and I've determined a set of rules that need to be follow as to make the judging easier. I just wish to have both teams at an equal advantage, and you guys got started on the wrong foot. Just trying to help you recover. My overbearingness will be explained in due time.
So you have an alterior motive do you? I think we want another member or two on the weapons crew. They'll take it together and must all consult each other with weapons placed.
Sweeney I think we should block off. going inside there could probably lead to camping, so I would suggest some one geomerge a fence wall in there cas I think it would look cool lol. That would be difficult, its just an idea and its up to us as a whole.
Issues with camping will happen if there's a shotgun. Builders, build the map. and the weapons & spawns crew balance it.
I was just thinking that the bottom center part would be an cool place for a sniper rifle with no ammo.
um i don't mean to sound like omgwtfbbq. But me and idiotninja are not on the list, Also is the group dead (as in the social group)
ya im one for bloking it off, a smaller map is what whould be creative with such a larger team, at least block off one side, or block off the doors. but i dont suggest we ust teleporters though. only mancannons. teleporters disorientate the player, and if we are going for gameplay, we need to make everything spit shine.
i got an idea it needs fence boxes double boxes and wall corners i show you later linublix i need to forge tomorrow or i can't work on it at all plz very urgent,If you want when im done and you don't like it get rid of it, this just very urgent srry guys sad face =( and again srry guys.......
Lulz, Linublix... Lindubix... all those people... 'Tis a nice start you have there, but you're (probably) going to have a problem with the standard/quality of work amongst the contributors. Premiums probably will too though...
Yeah, probably. I hear Debo as disappeard with the Maroon Lagoon... Both Me and Mastar Posess Project Askar.
Hey... Linu... Check your social group... and when the **** were we making a lagoon? oh riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiggggggghhhhhhhhtttt...... erm... he may have... he may not have...
hey you cant have it without me if its too late its ok because i have many foreging projects going on at the moment with various different forgers. I'm experienced to the site and forge, for an example of my forgeing skills: horizon v2 is on forge hub favourites and almost 4,000 views. p.s to all mods im not advertising just giving a reference to show what i have achieved in forge ...but i see you have a big list of great forgers so good luck on that. - DRiSCOLL
Wait. when is Shadow doing his forging? We've been kind of a duo and could prob do it together. I just got my live back up so does anyone know if hes going it tonight? I'll jump right in with him.
Sorry, Driscoll. I would've loved to add you in but we simply can't have too many people. We want equal numbers with the premium team and I think we currently have more than them. I now have Project Askar, Shadow has done his bit. I'll be trying to get my addition done within the next day or two so I can pass it to Pegasi.
Linu, definately throw me in somewhere in the list. I got my fixed. And Damn, Shadow did his part that means we cant work together. Linu if it isn't too much maybe post a pic of what we have done so far,